Groove Tubes EL34LS vs SED

i have a amp air tight ATM-3 to be precise that currently uses Siemens EL34. I want a bit more dynamics especially at the bass. Has anyone tried these? The Siemens seem at the end of their life, although they test fine in a tube tester, the bias cant be adjusted sufficiently high. Since I got this amp recently (used) I dont know if the lack of bottom end is due to old tubes, or just the amp itself.Advice appreciated THX
I use the Tesla El-34LS in my Quicksilver M-135 monoblocks. They give the greatest "slam" in the low and mid-bass of any of the tubes I have tried (but I have never tried the Siemens).
to Gmuffley - are the groove tubes el-34ls teslas? how is the high end? The Siemens high end is fine, but not the "slam".Have u compared with the SED? I'm about to buy new sets and its between the groove tubes and sed. Based on this feedback, i may go for the groove tubes. BTW, i am running Brimar 13D5 and Sovtek 12AX7LPS NOS circa 2003. cables are the new Oval 9s. THX everyone!
Whodiini...Aside from the original TeslaE34Ls I also have JJ Tesla E34Ls which, to my ears, sound extremely good too. You might want to check out the BOI AudioWorks site.
By the way, For what it's worth, I have tried the Brimar 13D5s with my Air Tights. Though they present a very nice sound, I found them somewhat light in the bass (the area you are concerned with). I strongly recommend you try those Mullard "boxplates" in the 12au7 sockets. You might be pleasantly surprised.