Whats on your turntable tonight?

For me its the first or very early LP's of:
Allman Brothers - "Allman Joys" "Idyllwild South"
Santana - "Santana" 200 g reissue
Emerson Lake and Palmer - "Emerson Lake and Palmer"
Beethoven - "Piano Concerto No. 4 in G Major" Rudolph Serkin/Ozawa/BSO

Showing 50 responses by slaw

Hey @tomic601 ,

I'll hold my washing machine test up against Harry's 4 sub test any day.

I wonder why the other two nights weren’t put on vinyl?

I bought a Fillmore set at the last RSD of a 8 month earlier date the AM had at Fillmore and it’s easy to tell they weren’t a fully formed band compared to the set we all know and love.

My RSD/25th is the only version I own. I will say that I own quite a few PS pp lps and the remasters by Sony/Legacy are great!
Been there done that.

There's even a reason for the set-up... the component positioning. No _hit!
After hearing side 1 of "Until the Hunter" earlier, I decided to US clean both lps. Now, side 2.
BTW, Harry’s 4sub test was just for isolation. My washing machine test includes isolation and SQ!
Another comment on the positive effect of the new wall system. I've now been able to put my finger on it. I think I mentioned increased clarity/openness......I believe this has to do with the reduction of noise that infiltrates out systems by way of resonance/vibration. I now listen at a notch lower volume level as a result.
Gary Moore "Live From London" ( his last recorded performance)

.......brow dripping of sweat....Just finished side one....somebody bring me a towel!
In addition to his guitar mastery, having the ability to make it sing with emotion, he had such a great voice!
Ya'll gotta get this one.
The friendly neighborhood mailman was very kind today.......

Yes "Fragile" MFSL/UD1S arrived.
@tomic601 ,

I actually use his Super Stiff Springs on the lower shelf.

I got some slightly higher load rated springs from Grainger for the upper shelf.

(It’s a work in progress.) as the VPI is way heavier that the Rock 7. The BDR Shelf for the Source weighs around 70 lbs?

BTW, I use Geoff’s lighter weight/cryo springs under my Hydra 6/Symposium set-up directly under the new set-up....along with 4 Stillpoints Minis.

What overall weight are you looking at?
After my rotator cuff surgery years ago...and being in rehab/therapy.... I made a similar device out of pvc I could use at home to stretch out. This was the audiophile in me going to other places.
Hey Jim,

How is the RM-9 positioned/placed in your set-up,?

Take a closer look at my support system for my amp at my system page. Isolate/decouple...My motto.

You know Lucinda's right up my alley, and covering TP, dbl the pleasure....
FWIW, racks have their place but I’m more @ more wanting to figure out smarter solutions.
Jim, think about my set-up on a smaller scale. Tile...hmm? I’d go with the rubber/cork isolators easily found on the cheap from HVAC vendors. I use the 3" square ones. Then a piece of MDF (painted to please the War Dept.) then your springs to mate with your DIY platform. This way you will be decoupling from the floor without damaging it. Simple, easy. OK,...I’m done here.
Sorry Jim, last time I looked, the Brinkmañ was sitting on a built-in shelf.

Regarding HRS, they focus on isolation, I'm more about decoupling at this stage.
Rosanne Cash "She Remembers Everything". First US clean.
..   .."the undiscovered country
between a woman and a man....."
( All of my components were on "killer" platforms, for years.)

Think about it.

Sorry people but I feel the need to impose my experience here..

We all, or most of us have experienced the positive effects of aftermarket platforms/footers that seemingly improve SQ. This improvement may help certain issues one has at the expense of ultimate SQ. Mostly, this type of "help" is referred to as isolation. Isolation isn’t bad but it does not "never" take the place of (decoupling). An effective isolation product can dramatically decrease resonances/vibrations and still impart a pleasing sonic signature, but these devices do not replace decoupling from the very (first) issue you’re trying to erase.

My recent wall mount is a great way to explain this.

I have found for years the great effectiveness of the use of carbon fiber in handling the resonances that audio frequencies project. Still, this is not the "great" solution to all thing audio. But it is a great platform on which to go forward.

Some of you may have noticed that even though I have much $$$ invested in the BDR shelves on my new wall mount, it is because of my belief/experience that components coupled to BRD have superior sonic qualities. This is a great start.....not the end-all.

I knew, by experience that "decoupling" from outside nasties, whether it be floor borne, or acoustic feedback or a washing machine, or the very low frequency grinding of the earth’ plates, needs to be addressed.

Isolation just isn’t the answer. Decoupling is the best answer we have.

We need to have a accumulative knowledge on the difference between these two commonly thrown around terms that aren’t the same.


Never enjoyed Television ":Marquee Moon" more that I'm currently hearing.

My system is sounding really good!!! The new phono cable really is performing wonderfully!