Musical Fidelity V90-AMP Noise Issue

Hi Folks,

First post on the forums. Sorry if this is not the correct topic area to put this thread.

I have a Musical Fidelity V90-AMP that I use for my computer audio setup. If you are not familiar with the component there is a good write up over at Tone Audio:

Sonically I am very happy with the unit. I have an Audioquest USB cable and Jitterbug going from my iMac to the V90-AMP, and this little guy is powering a pair of vintage Polk Monitor 4s mounted on speaker stands.

The only drawback is that the V90-AMP has a high pitch hissing sound that comes directly from the body of the unit. I put it on isolation feet, and it helped reduce the noise a little, but it is still noticeable while sitting at my desk. When I am blasting music it is a non-issue, but sometimes when listening to quieter classical, or more ballad-oriented jazz music it can be distracting.

I also noticed that if I put pressure or weight on top of the unit it does reduce noise significantly. I was thinking of getting a small 2.5 to 3 pound weight to put on it, but then I thought long term stress of the weight may possible damage the inner workings of the V90-AMP.

Would love to hear anyone’s thoughts regarding this issues. I have only gotten into this hobby a little over a year ago and am still learning a ton.

Thanks, and cheers!
Hi Matthew,

I have the same issue with my new v90 amp that I received from Music Direct yesterday.  The unit is a new one, and I noticed it immediately after I turned it on.  Did you hear back from Musical Fidelity?  Also the volume doesn't go down to zero, so I can't turn it down to a very quiet volume level.  Is your unit like that also?  


Hi Jay,

Never received a response from Musical Fidelity's USA rep.  I did reach out to Music Direct and they were very responsive at first.  Even though I was out of my return window they attempted to contact Musical Fidelity on their end.  However, I never received a response from MD and MF after that initial point of communication.

I also had the same problem with the volume not going to zero.  Sonically I thought the V90-Amp was really nice for the price.  I was happy with the DAC, and it drove my vintage Polk Monitor 4s very well.  In the end I was getting sick of hearing it make noises on my computer desk and recently traded in the V90-Amp to a local HiFi shop for a NAD D 3020. 
Hi Matthew,

I'll contact Music Direct and Musical Fidelity and see what they have to say. That's too bad you didn't receive a response from either company. If both issues are normal, I'll likely keep it as it does sound quite good, especially for the asking price of $149 for brand new units, as they are now discontinued and on clearance.  I hope your NAD D 3020 sounds terrific and even better than the V90 Amp it replaced.
