Hovland still cuts it 7 yrs on as 2013 approaches

In 2006 I made a fantastic discovery in matching tubes and solid state (SS) with the Hovland HP200 tube preamp and Radia SS power amp, achieving liquidity and power. This combination initially powered my Pro Ac Futures 2 spkrs, followed by Zu Audio Definitions Mk 2s, and now Mk 4s.
In all this time, I've investigated other combinations but none have had the synergy the Hovlands possess.
With my current and most likely final spkr upgrade I'm achieving real transparency, and only now is a hint of SS glassiness evident, although it's highly music dependent, the rest of the time I remain really in love with the combination.
On the Zu Audio Definitions 3/4 thread, I'm being encouraged to go all tube by swapping out the SS Radia with either a SET 845 or OTL power amp, while possibly keeping the Hov pre.
What I'm concerned about is losing a winning synergy in the Hovs with possibly increased tonality maybe at the expense of neutrality that I have at present. Added to the fact that any reticence with current setup is only occasional.
Additionally, I still remain so sad that Hovland folded, they are definitely the longest lived components in my system, and I feel it's a real tragedy that an exceptional company is no longer with us, while decidedly underachieving and overpriced components thrive.
So A'goners, comments on my scenario, and testimonials for the late lamented Hovs.
Steakster, Bob IS amazing. I'm notoriously hard to impress when it comes to audio, and after 7 yrs I'm STILL enthralled by his HP200/Radia combo that thoughts of changing them are just thoughts.
Can anyone enlighten me as to why they became a casualty of the downturn with so few similar boutique type audio companies folding in due course? I mean their equipment was pricey, but fair for the sound and build quality offered. Design was excellent for the time, reliability and after sales service first rate, and Bob's status and influence in audio design very high.
I mean if Hovland went bust, how come companies even more steeply priced are surviving (Boulder, Krell, Ayre BAT etc.)?
Bob Hovland is working on a JBL SA600 for me now. He worked at JBL back in the late 60's and knows the product intimately. In fact he helped design a reciever for JBL and was at a New York audio show to introduce it when they were abruptly called back and informed that JBL had decided to go in another direction, that marked the end of the SA 600, his tuner and other high end consumer electronics..We talked about why his company went out of business as well and it boiled down to simply not charging enough for each unit..the time and materials used, in retrospect, should of equated to higher prices on his equipment.
luckily for me I asked in passing if he had any tube amps for sale..It turns out he did, he had been upgrading a pair of dynaco mark iii's for the last "eight years" for a very picky audiophile who has eight Quad 57's. Although I'd just bought an adcom gfa 555ii I was so impressed with Bob I bought them..They sound amazing on my Dahlquist 10's. Very fortunate to of found him....

Marty1234 & Spiritofmusic,

Hovland went out of business because of incongruent business model that charged a premium for a basic 1960s technology, and the arrogance of its sale director Alex Crespi who knew little about branding in a luxury retail environment. .