High Fidelity Cables CT-1designed by Rick Schultz

In December 2011,I wrote that High Fidelity cables led by cable designer Rick Schultz was putting together a new cable.The cable came to market as CT-1.The CT-1 has FINALLY made it into my system!I had obtained a version of the prototype that Rick had been working on.It blew my previous reference Genesis by Virtual Dynamics.I thought I had finally found my end with this cable.This prototype delivered to my ears "Nirvana".Could I be at the end of my quest for the ultimate sound?
No. I received two pairs of CT-1 to replace my prototypes.They went into the system this past Friday.Unable to dedicate time until Sunday listening,I stole a few moments,ducking away from company with anticipation.My guest could tell even with the music set for"ambiance"something was intriguing and I was in for a treat!
The experience:
First off,CT-1 was very user friendly.Installation was simple;the cable is very nice and light.The female RCA fit beautifully unlike any I had found in other cable.It was secure and reliable.It seemed much thought was dedicated to developing a designer fit to an aesthetically stunning RCA connector.Install entailed a few wiggles to ensure what seemed like a compression fit on my RCA.
It was 2-3 hrs. for the 1st step of break in to be complete.At that point I had something different!Today,although they only have 10-12 hrs. on them,I can`t put into words how much my system has transformed.Believe me,I loved my prototypes.However....there is simply no comparision.
The clarity and sound is so natural.
The soundstage is like nothing I ever heard.Resoulution is breathtaking and inner detail is simply hard to believe possible.
The sound has transended and now it simply does not seem as thought I have speakers.
My system is musicians playing music.
I am told with time they will improve and I trust that as it was revealed with the prototypes.I wanted to share my thoughts with you that now.
Unequivocally,a testament to High Fidelity,as the name declares.
High Fidelity Cables for me,the last word on it,after 12 hours!
Truly Amazing


Showing 50 responses by ddraudt

Keith, thanks,
As far as outlets, Rhodium is detailed and gold is warm.
IMHO (ha!) ATL 2000 CU - copper outlets are more natural sounding. The mounting holes do need to be drilled out a bit to fit the Furutech plate/cover combo.
I've been removing gold coatings for 30 years because of the "halo of haze" gold creates.
Ketcham, Hello again, I'm a tweakers' tweaker. I tweak my tweaks over the decades. I isolate my isolation shelves and damp my damping blocks ect, so this is extreme...On my UR speaker cable wave guide I use a list of items to isolate, damp and shield. I have wood floor like Tbg. I use, from the Floor up, 4 inch squares of 3/4 inch pine plywood, Stillpoint Mini's, custom isolation platforms, more 3/4 inch plywood, WAVEGUIDES themselves resting on plywood (not waveguide stand), then more plywood directly on top of waveguides, followed by 6 damping blocks in 5 different sizes, then some heavy duty aluminum foil for shielding. Huge, Huge improvements over stock.
Custom iso shelves and damping blocks are available..
Also I do not let any cable or cord in my system touch the floor or each other. HFCables do not like to be moved at all. I know folks who smear anti static spray on the floor under cables with good results. but that is way too easy for me. ;-) Enjoy the Music !! D
Ketcham, Sorry no pics yet. Perhaps I will enlist the aid of a photo person in time. I would never believe I'd spend this much for cables either but the sound is out of this world. I hope to be able to help you and others more. Cheers!! D
HFC power cords: Good to see a discussion about these! I once tried the URR power cord on a Panasonic rcvr someone gave me and the results were nothing less than amazing! So It is hard for me to imagine an HFC power cord would be too Much improvement for anything. Friends and I continue to do tests and comparisons with these power cords. We've found that the PC's can limited by the duplex outlet system being used and by the components inlet also. I prefer ATL inlets and outlets and Furutech outlet plate and cover. the use of gold, copper, rhodium would be system dependent and personal taste. Power cables are sensitive about being moved and need to sit still for weeks to be at their best. ( as with all HFC pieces).
Full break in might take a month of constant playing. SO if anyone is doing comparisons…. it takes a long time to hear what they can really do in a system so take your time...
In my system, the most amazing place to put the cord was into my HF Magnetic Waveguide power conditioner/distribution center. Like Tbg, I have the latest HF Waveguide. I've also have done many tweaks to it..
Enjoy the music friends D
Siddh, My experience with the UR breakin is similar to Tbg's.
They sound quick and detailed at first, but it takes 600 hours to get the full base, dynamics, effortlessness, air and realness.
Audiolabrinth, Hi Keith, My experience with Gold, Rhodium, Copper for inlets and outlets is that.
1) I've never liked the sound of gold. I like more fine detail than gold allows.
2) I've always liked the pure sound of copper. Even though oxidation is an issue.
3) Rhodium on a few inlets or outlets can add some sparkle. But too many Rhodium parts gets too cold and harsh.
I tried the Rhodium and Gold Furutech outlets and liked the rhodium better. Now I am using ATL 2000 CU outlets (copper) from newcablestudio.com, because I find them quite superior. I have 4 in my WGPC, and 4 other cu 2000 outlets with furutech plate and covers in my system. much cleaner sound! Most of my power cords have ATL copper ends on them.
I have 4 ATL inlets in my system that are 4 layer (copper, silver, gold then rhodium), They add sparkle without getting too harsh.
I think that a lot depends on ones system and personal taste.
ENjoy the music!! D
To all following the outlet conversation.
Furutech is having a sale on outlet plates and covers thru Dec.
I'm extremely excited about my new HFCable upgrade!!!!! I've just sent my
UR WGPC back for an upgrade to more like a URR. The URR power cord was built with upgraded magnetic waveguides that sound much better than the UR..(fuller. more extended, more real). Now Rick has URR style but larger waveguides to fit in the Magnetic Waveguide Power Conditioner.
Tbg said that he was thrilled with his WGPC upgrade, and now I can't wait to hear that In my system!! More soon. Enjoy the Music!! D
Calvinj, my friend you seen to be having a lot of fun trying different audio devices. That's Great!!! It's the only way to find out what sounds good to you.
In my experience... components and cables need to sit undisturbed playing for a few weeks at least to hear what they can really do. a month or two is even better.
And yes it is painstaking for me to wait also.
I'm glad you are enjoying the music! D
In my system all Furutech outlets are not as clear, natural or detailed than the ATL-newcablestudio copper 2000. all contact points and connections are ATL's super groovy, special copper including the ground pieces.
this is what I use in my HF POWER Conditioner/ distribution box.
Vales lifted my friends, Vales lifted. ;-) D
Calvin, because my name does not sound like it is spelled, no one gets the spelling right. Thought about changing my name to Dave Day.;-)
Audiolabyrinth, Hi Keith! I have been anxiously awaiting my URR WGPC which I hope to have Monday. Also, on Monday, I hope to get my URR power cord back that I loaned to a friend. So I will be doing some rebuilding and break in next week. I have not yet taken the isolation, damping and shielding of my WGPC (waveguide power conditioner) to "full Tweak", so I have isolation tables and feet and other items to try once broken back in.
I've been working on selling as much HF gear as possible to help support my HFC habit. In the process I've meet more very interesting people on line who have very intriguing systems.
Cheers Friend, enjoy the music!! D
My position is.. If you have HF cables, they are so out of this world fantastic
that one can ( and must) rework the system to get the best possible sound now available with magnetic conduction.
How about this.. "To get the best sound out of my fantastically real High Fidelity Cables I use ATL outlets, Stillpoints, Marigo disc mat, Essence of music Disc cleaner, HIFi tuning Disc demag unit, Furutech iso plate and covers, 10 gage directional house wiring, carling technologies magnetic/hydrlic breakers, Tubetraps, Stanshelves and Stanblocks plus dozens more items.
It has the words High Fidelity Cables in it. ;-)
Enjoy the music my friends! D
Hello Friends, High Fidelity cables are outstanding, game changing products to be sure! Thanks to all who write about it here. I've come to expect occasional Troll invasions but am still surprised by the Troll Feeding. Please don't feed the Trolls. It just makes them uglier.
How do you tell a troll?
IF the have negative opinions before they hear the product in question.
If the dis people and systems that have never heard.
They claim to know something that they have no idea about. ect...
What do you tell a Troll?
Nothing, they are not listening!!! They are here to get attention. to try to feel valid. to find anyone who will interact to fill an empty life. so sad.
If you don't feed them, they go away. if not I have them axed. ;-)
For those who can enjoy music. Please DO!!!
I've been getting and making a lot of calls about High Fidelity Cables. It's been great to meet new audio friends and to see their amazing systems.
Great fun to hear their excitement about HFCables in their systems.
As for me, I await, anxiously for my High Fidelity Cables - Ultimate Reference Rhodium- Magnetic Waveguide power conditioner and distribution center. ( no yet listed on line ) when I get it back I will be one power cord away from having a full loom of URR power parts and a full loom of UR signal parts. Hard to imagine my system sounding better that it does now. breathtaking, shocking, emotional and real beyond my wildest dreams.
But I'm sure the URR WGPC will reveal a new universe of listening experiences.
I still await the High Fidelity Cables Magnetic Amp ( not yet listed) but that may be a few months away.
It has been very nice to have reviewers and audio giants talk well about my systems. It has been called rare and special. I can't wait until they hear it now. I hope you will join me in Enjoying the Music!!! D
Confessions. 1. I don't read posts from nay sayers. They are not of interest.
2. i spent over 30 years designing and building systems that sounded the best I've heard for much less money. A reviewer once said that one $30k system I built was comparable to systems in the mid 6 figures. Another reviewer stated that this same system was the best small room system he had ever heard.
Once I heard High Fidelity Magnetic magic, my life changed. With a sound much more real than I ever imagined possible. That old system would sound like dirt to my current system. At this point it would be unlistenable.
High Fidelity is dangerously good which is why I have cautioned people to
not listen to what they can't afford. Once heard on a great system there is no going back. Life is never the same after hearing High Fidelity Products.
Very addicting!
Hi Calvinj, I did hear a sample of the music Midnight Sugar and it was very nice. It would be interesting to hear it full on, in my system some day.
I have more High Fidelity Products to audition and write about in the future.
It's an interesting challenge to describe the sound to someone who has not heard High Fidelity magnetic wonders. Since one who has not heard it could not fathom it's effect by reading any description. It is comforting to know that some of the people posting here actually know anything about the experience. That is what I read and respond to. The rest is just something I skip over to get to posts of substance. I do communicate directly with folks around the globe who are as excited as I about High Fidelity. We laugh, exchange stories, and look forward to our next HF piece. How refreshing!!! They too look over this site to find word from experienced HFC users. They are also well aware if Thread Trolls and skip the noise. I very happy for you that you are enjoying your system so much!!! D ;-)
Agisthos, Thank you and you are correct. Lack of integrity and childish behavior are trademarks of Thread Trolls and if you feed them by responding they get uglier. as is show by this case in point. Haha!
There are monikers I've seen before that I know not to read. I recommend this to all. (Would you like a list?) Same clown, different day.
For me to be offended would be silly. Like being offended by a barking dog or a rainy day.
It's pretty easy for me to skip to meaningful posts. I recommend this to all.
news flash... this post has nothing to do with the wonder of High Fidelity Cables either. It's just a cautionary road sign to warn of critters crossing.
My hope is that all who can enjoy music, will do so and write about their joy on appropriate threads. I recommend this to all. Love Dave
The music is on! Life is grand! Happy Holidays to all!!
Welcome to this thread about High Fidelity Cables!!!
I'm so Thrilled that I got my upgraded HF URR Power Conditioner back last night!
I plugged it in right away and will play it for a while to settle in, days or weeks. It's going to take time to rebuild my system after removing the power filter and replacing it. On problem with having 1000 tweaks is that it takes a lotta time to move anything.;-). so first, settle in, then I'll try the same tweaks I used on the UR Power filter. The I will try to improve on that.
Happy to report my progress. Cheers D
Calvinj, thanks for the music suggestions. I'm happy your having fun!! me too!! It is great to have music enthusiasts over to listen. I have many novices and serious Audiophiles over regularly. We all have a great time and are emotionally charged by the events. I hope to have my system up to speed again soon and I'm still looking forward to you hearing it.
Sure is Fun!!! D
Tbg, I've got my new High Fidelity- URR - WGPC in. Can you tell me about you break in experience?
Thank you Sir.
Cheers DD
sabai, i noticed in a title you wrote to me. I don't read stuff by you or mapman or jmcgrogan2. never look at them, so best to you on other threads. Perhaps there is a thread out there that specializes in whining and complaining about things no one wants to hear.
Calvinj, Hello Friend. I'm always glad to see a post from you.
Although I personally think skipping the Trollposts is the best choice, I enjoy you words. I think your plain truth eludes the pebble brains but I agree with you. Keep Enjoying the Music! It's what it is all about. D
First day of HF URR WGPC. First I had had a lot of things unplugged while my High Fidelity Power conditioner was being upgraded and I had to move 20 or 30 items to put it back in. At first the "coldness" of new stuff was their pressing on my head, but after the afternoon of replacing tweaks and 27 hours of play time I am starting to hear Magic again. I did hear some details I haven't heard before and it was producing goose bumps ofter one day. (The speed of recovery was helped by the fact that many magnetic parts have been in the system for quite a while. A first test would take a lot longer.) I still have much more to do and time will improve the sound further, but I'm thrilled by the upgrade already!!.
More updates to come! ;-) D
FYI I talk or email several friends a day excited about High Fidelity cables.
I write hear for them and my friends on this thread. I check this thread to hear what they have to add. I sift the pebbles from the grain to make it palatable.
Hi Friends
The smartest person I know said this to me about break in of High Fidelity Products and I thought I would share.
statement below.
"Break-in allows the signals to become in phase in time and in sync. The synchronization and timing of signals working together is what is at the heart of musicality. "
Time is critical to the sound of this unit!!
Dear Friends I have had the most wonderful experience last night. I had some friends over and we were listening to the presentation of my system with my upgraded High Fidelity Magnetic power conditioner. WOW! after 3 days it is a transcendent experience. so pure and musical, engaging and emotional. Sound stage beyond my wildest imagining. We could sense the air, shape and texture of the performance way beyond any non magnetic experience in nearly 40 years of testing audio products. WE were astonished by the total emersion into the artists world. Wow!! I wish you could experience this!! (not just hear it but to be engulfed/invited into a new Realm).
This HF stuff is easy to get very excited about because it is superior beyond ones imagination. That is why I gush all the time about it.
Sorry, you will not hear what I'm talking about unless you hear it yourself.
Caution: Do not test audio stuff you cannot afford lest it drive you crazy with unrequited desire. 90% owners will not let this stuff go unless they are moving up the HF line. I sell used HF all the time to buy more for me.
As my ads on audiogon and elsewhere testify.
I'm happy for you if you system brings you Joy
Sabai, jmcgrogan2, Sorry I have been ignoring you. Sorry you have gotten to insults that could get you band from Audiogon posts altogether.
Sorry your lingering upset with Rick from his Virtual Dynamics days has you coming here dissing High Fidelity cables and me for some reason.
I believe it would be better for you to let that old stuff go and enjoy the music.
Happy Holidays!
Thanks Calvinj, Lak for you posts. Enjoy the Music! I agree and might have mentioned that 100 times in the last 20 pages. ;-) Glad to hear music suggestions. Choosing music has always been a chore for me. a million choices. It has gotten easier these day as my system has improved to the point where all music sounds incredibly involving, emotional, moving.
I am having friends who love music in town over the holidays and am glad my system is back up and sounding beautiful again. I find that the pure, natural, so real sound with HF cables has made my listening experience
additively joyful. I may get a little surly when my system is down.
Thanks for the invite Calvin, I'd love to hear your system! Your invite to my place is always open! Cheers! D
John and Steve, I know you history and why you are here. petty petty petty.
Shameful! But Hey! you help keep the thread on High Fidelity's Magnificent
Cables going so thanks for the help boys!! ;-) ;-) D
Hi All, thanks for keeping the thread going. Antics are amusing to some.
Information and personal experience are interesting to most.
Another Two audiophile friends stopped by to listen on their way thru town yesterday. They said that they never heard anything so flawless, pure and lifelike. I love showing off my system that was 35 years in the making.
High Fidelity Cables are the biggest improvement I've ever heard! Folks tell me often that they experience that too. Ones who have heard them.
The Music is on and I'm breaking in my upgraded HF URR power filter and before even any extra tweaking it excels. even more balance, speed, effortlessness, purity, realism! Shocking bass, so crisp clear and musical.
Never any smear, even in the most complicated passages. Words fall far short of the actual experience. 'the proof of the pudding is in the eating'.
So you would need to be putting HF cables in your system to know what we who have HF are referring to. ;-)
Sabai full disclosure, you are on the wrong thread buddy and only blog bugs would care what you would like. Full disclosure, you have issues with Rick is why you try in vane to make an impact here. But thanks for the amusement!! Good laugh!! hugs and kisses D
Hi Rlawry, Thank you for posting you experiences with HF Cables. Thank you for sharing what did and did not work, I learned something.
Congrats on moving up the line and I liked the joke about gold fillings! ;-)
I had two completely different friends come by to listen to my system this week. One said,"this is a transcendent experience!!"
the other said, "This is F----ing ridiculous!" both said the same thing...
I'm so happy for all of you who can enjoy music!!
Merry Christmas!!!
Calvinj, I'm doing well and having fun. The music is on in the background as usual. It's so pure and beautiful, it helps keep me positive. I like smooth jazz instrumentals in the morning and world music later. Plus many other types.
I like most music if it is done well and with HFCables all music sounds so much more real than it ever did before. What a pleasure! I love tight crisp musical bass which I have in spades now!! I love the way there is no smear, even in the most complicated passages, speed. I love being able to hear the room in the recordings and have removed most of my room effects to enhance this quality. Ultra pure, ultra real, Ultra involving system with HF makes all music great to listen to. In my long history with audio
High Fidelity Cables are, by far, the single most improvement of anything I've tried. Improvement is not the right word really, because it hints at a quality of being incrementally better. This falls very short of the actual quantum shift. You have heard it so you know what I mean. Cheers D
Mapman, Ha ha. funny. probably surprise you to know that this is a thread about high fidelity cables. That fact, along with the truth that I'm wildly excited about this revolutionary alteration in the audio world with High Fidelity Cables is likely why I blog here. What is you excuse?
Tbg, Calvinj, Visiting Norm after CES sounds good to me.
Someday I like you both to hear my system. It surprises people.
I think we are here because we Enjoy the Music. D
Mapman, Happy New Year and thanks. You have shown incredible bravery to keep coming back to this unbearable thread.
Every time I think Ugh! this thread is so awful, You delight us with pearls of wisdom and insight. Thank you so much!!
Very sorry you have never heard what We gush about. You would know why then. High Fidelity Cables start out sounding astonishing, then they get much better over time. I hope you have an audio system and that you enjoy music some time. Thanks again for you help keeping this thread going my friend. ;-) D
mapman. Pearls of wisdom! thanks. I love to hear stories about High Fidelity
Cables. You experience with HF cables has enlighten us all. xoxo D
Tbg, Thanks for your input on the HF phono cable improvements. I look forward to hearing you fabulous system again. My system is so amazing that I'm awed every time I listen. Nirvana!
I liked your humor with mope man .
Will be great to visit again.
I know you are Enjoying the Music! D
Magpie, although I greatly appreciate you concern for High Fidelity Owners
I know they are joyful. You seem so unhappy and negative I figure you are lacking love in your life. Cheer up ol' bean, life is as good as you let it be.
xoxo ;-) Dave Shillingsworth.
Rlawrly, Thanks for sharing your experience with HF products. I agree that High Fidelity Cables are the biggest game changers I've ever heard. The music is on and I am delighted!! I'm happy for you!
I would not worry about madman. He does add humor with his "the world is flat" beliefs. Taking him seriously is like believing FOX NEWS. I get a laugh.
Enjoy the music!! ;-) D
Calvinj, I understand about the dangers of having a system this good. Hard to leave the room!! HF changed my life!
I'm always taking note of suggested music. A difficulty I have in hearing samples on line or in a store is that my system sounds so much better that I can't tell what it would really sound like unless I hear it at home. In my antiquated system, I have to buy and treat a CD, then play it.
I will be ordering some new CD's to try soon so thanks! I like some kinds of Jazz but it's not my default music. I play smooth Jazz in the background while doing chores. I grew up with classic Rock but listen mostly to "World Music" or anything with amazing record quality.
Hope to hear your system and show mine soon! ;-) D
Help! I'm having a big problem with High Fidelity Cables!!!
Perhaps some of you have had similar issues?
With HF cables in my system I'm finding it very hard to walk away from the music. 3 A.M. and I should go to bed, but I'm caught inside this most alluring performance of my life and can't stop listening!!!
How do you handle this awful situation I your home?? ;-) D
Thank you Rick! I have another late night of listening with a friend. Superb sound thanks to High Fidelity cables' quantum shift in audio. I had to turn it up when I woke up this morning. Can't seem to get enough of this euphoria.
If only all could hear what I hear!! I more than love these HF products!!
Jmcgrogs map. thanks for you insightful comments of High Fidelity Cables.
I agree that they sound terrific!!! Cheers D
Calvinj, Rlawry, Thanks for posting. My system it troublingly addictive at this point. The music is alway on because it HAS to be!!
Life is not the same without the music! Thanks High Fidelity Cables!!
I'm thinking of a joke that would start something like this...
"Three Trolls walked into an audio store. Their names were Grogs, Swampy and NamPam and they hated music. The better the music, the worse they hated it....."
I haven't finished it yet but I'm sure it will be funny in a sad sort of way.