Effect of bi-amping?? Marten Design & Dartzeel

Hi all,

I currently have an amplifier that has 100W at 8 Ohm, 160W at 4 Ohm. I wondered what the effect would be if I bi-amp my speakers with two units? (speaker sensitivity 89 dB/w/m, impedance 4 ohm)

I assume that it doesn't have that much effect on how loud I can play the music (something that isn't an issue) but if I use 2 amps would there be more control over the speaker?

Appreciate if someone can explain what most likely the differences are using 1 or 2 amps to drive speakers in general, and particular for the Dartzeel/Marten Design combo.

Thanks a lot.

P.S. I have the Marten Design Coltrane speakers and Dartzeel amp.

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