Baltimore MD

Anybody interested in starting a club or discussion grp
I'm another interested in room acoustics/ room treatments, for this get together for my meager contribution I could bring my Liquid Resolution CD clean enhancer. Cleans the manufacturing grunge off your cd's for a smoother presentation. Along with other liquid treatments for our thirsts. And music.
I've been using the gold/silver contact paste recently and don't want to disconnect anything cause you have to clean/reapply/re-breakin everything, one of the disadvantages of using the silver bearing contact enhancers.
"I've been using the gold/silver contact paste recently and don't want to disconnect anything cause you have to clean/reapply/re-breakin everything, one of the disadvantages of using the silver bearing contact enhancers."

Oh come on, can't you just lick the ends of the cables and stick 'em back in?!? Works with tubes (hee hee)
I have been cleared by the wife so I am a definite for the 13th. I will bring my realRTA system to make comparisons with kartracers system. Just need time and place my e-mail is [email protected]
OK, the Holidays are behind us! Can I get a show of hands from those planning to get together on the 13th?


In response to Joe's inquiry, don't everyone jump at once. I, as host, am still on board. Noon on Sunday. The playoff game WILL be on so don't fret. Anyone wanting my address or directions should contact me directly. Should be fun. Come and go as you please.
