Adding Tone Controls?

My system sounds wonderful when playing well recorded jazz, classical, or "audiophile approved" material. Unfortunately, mass market pop frequently sounds horrible, with screechy splashy highs. It's obviously recorded with a built in bias to be played on car radios or lo-fi mp3s.
What can I add to my system to tone-down the highs on this sort of material? Sure, there's plenty of well recorded material to listen to, but there are plenty of pop rock bands I'd really like to explore if the recordings could be made a bit more listenable.
If not you would still have to use the DSPeaker in an analog processor/tape loop, since its only digital input is optical.

I'm using a MSB Digital Director to convert from Coax to Optical into my Dual Core. I have the same issue with Coax only from my 47 Labs Flatfish transport. MSB doesn't make them any more so you have to find a used one, about $100.00. The Digital Director is 12v and can be powered by a 12v battery power supply if desired. Also the Behringer SRC 2496 can be used as well to convert from coax to optical. See how it is used here, Scroll down to the response by Ginov.

Hope this helps.
Shakeydeal, you might want to read the recent review of the DSPeasker Dual Core in TAS. He addresses your blind bias towards equalization in very thoughtful way. He points out that the professionals that engineered the recordings you buy use EQ extensively. If it's good enough for them, it's good enough for audiophiles to adjust the sound of bad (too bright), or older (lean bass) recordings to improve their sound.
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Man, is this an entertaining thread or what!

Lot's of frustrated closed-minded individual stuck in the snobbish audio-prison!

Who cares of one's solution for attaining enjoyment from his sound system. Cables, tone controls, equalizers, secret magical stones placed on speakers during a full moon, who cares ?

If it gets you there, do it! And pay no attention to those who put down others if they tinker with "purity". Sometimes a pure, unaltered signal can make your ears bleed in the wrong room, the wrong walls, the wrong surroundings furniture, hell, the wrong ears!

So go ahead, fight back with whatever technology or means at your disposal, as long as you enjoy the end results!

That's what this hobby should be about, enjoyment. So, remove those cobwebs and go for it?