

Responses from horseface

Turntable suggestions for novice...
I scored a Denon DP62L off of Craigslist for $350 - Mint shape the old guy had two of them and was cleaning house. I threw on a Grado Gold and I was in great shape for less than $550. I was getting the upgrade bug but I cant seem to find anything ... 
Tubes in the Dark?
I can envision a mirror setup maybe 10" X 14" you could slide up to the back of the amp. You could get creative with a hardwood base and some brass rod from a welding shop maybe? Angle the mirror slightly forward until the tubes are in clear view ... 
Throwing your gear under the bus
Aerial Model 6's ... practically gave them away and now I have a perfect place for them. Sold a Sansui G-9000 receiver to a buddy to get it out of my rack ... he turned around and sold it on eBay for three times what I charged him. I ended up buyi... 
Simple & Effective Conversion Software
DBpoweramp has a batch converter that will do an entire collection in one shot. It's a bit odd in that it wont replace the files, so you will need to do some clean up afterwards. It's about as easy as it gets. I'm not sure the transfer is what it ... 
Why do the new 2009 Beatles CDs sound so good?
I have to agree ... I bought Abbey Road and was so impressed that I went out and bought nearly all the remaining stereo remasters (should have bought the box set). Costco had them for $10 ea. I enjoyed them for a couple months and then after readi... 
Need a speaker for the blues lover...
Hello,One piece of advise I would have is find something you like with softdome tweeter. I might get jumped on for this but I listen to very similar music and went from Klipsch Heresy to the metal Paradigm Signature S4 tweeter and ultimately to th... 
Is the new Apple TV better than Squeezebox?
Hello,I had a Transporter and now a Duet, setup in a similar fashion (Duet-DAC-Pre). I ran FLAC files and the sound was quite good with standard Redbook but I had problems. The Logitech Squeezeserver software wouldn’t recognize all of my files and... 
Modwright LS 36.5 or BAT VK-51SE
I can tell you this:Dan Wright has always been there for me anytime I had a question or needed help. He stands behind his products and is great to deal with. I think service is always something to consider anytime you make a big purchase. Not tryi... 
Mac Mini versus PC sonic differences, why?
And then there is the subject of converting the CD to a computer audio file. This is where I have found most of my problems. I live for the day when I have 4000-5000 CDs all ripped 100% bit perfect and double backed up on external storage. I think... 
I need help with a Dual 1219 that rumbles?
Jeff Dorgay just released issue 31 of Tone and he has a whole bit on Dual turntables titled "Fix my Dual" ... you should check it out. He specifically mentions the 1219. He has a couple of web sites listed you can go to, fixmydual being one of them. 
Perhaps we should stick with midfi...
I have been having a blast picking up stuff off Craig's List, Goodwill, garage sales and ebay. I stopped dumping thousands into my main system a couple years ago. Old vintage ADS, Pioneer, Sansui, JBL, Technics AR, Boston Acoustics to name a few. ... 
Sooloos + Modwright Transporter Functional Mashup
Doesnt you Transporter have digital inputs? If you could pull the S/PDIF signal from the Sooloos and feed the Transporter just like a stand alone DAC, I believe you would achive your objective? I couldnt agree with you more on the Squeezeserver so... 
Why do I still hear the Music on my PC ?
I have been working with Win 7 now since beta and it's pretty twisted. As mentioned above, a quick tip to find old features or files is to click the start button and in the "search programs and files" box just above the button, type in what you ar... 
Favorite 5 Hard Rock albums Driving Music
The MULE baby! Take it from a horse, "Holy Haunted House" second disc which is the entire Zeppelin Houses of the Holy album is a classic. Green Day - DookieAerosmith - Toys in the AtticGeorge Thorogood - Move it on overPuddle of Mudd - Come CleanT... 
The Next Step - what would you do?
I might as well throw in an idea or two ...What about the ultra efficient speaker route? Klipsch Belle, K-horn, Altec Model 19? The Aleph 5 should have more than enough power to drive speakers with that high of efficiency. You’re current system is...