Your ONE all time favorite love song?

For me it's "The First Time Ever I Saw Your Face" by Roberta Flack, from her CD "Softly with These Songs, the Best of Roberta Flack", on Atlantic. I'm looking for LOVE SONGS. Thanks and Cheers. Craig

Showing 5 responses by almarg

"My Cup Runneth Over" by Ed Ames.

From the Broadway musical "I Do! I Do!". Composed by the same team that created "The Fantasticks," Harvey Schmidt and Tom Jones (no relation to the British singer of the same name, thankfully).

Ed Ames recording reached no. 8 on Billboard in 1967.
C'mon...Somebody must have a favorite song by Schubert or Purcell
I've already voted in this thread, nominating a song from a Broadway show, but based on a liberal interpretation of the phrase "love song" I'll give an honorable mention to Brahm's "Alto Rhapsody." Particularly the 1947(!) recording by Kathleen Ferrier.

-- Al
I voted in this thread several years ago, but I'll add another favorite of mine, this time in the folk genre. "Today" by the New Christy Minstrels, from 1964.

-- Al
Thanks, John (Roxy54). Although I'm familiar with, and somewhat like, a lot of the Airplane's work, somehow I had overlooked "Today." Enjoyed listening to it.

Best regards,
-- Al
I've already voted in this thread for a couple of favorites of mine, on 10-21-09 and 7-20-14. So I'll now take some liberties and name a song which is not one of my favorite love songs, and which I neither particularly like nor particularly dislike as a song, but which I feel deserves mention in this thread because of the performance. Jay Black, formerly of Jay & The Americans and often referred to as "The Voice," performing "Cara Mia" a few years ago, at the age of 72. Simply incredible!

-- Al