Wilson Audio Haters

I've always wondered why there are so many people out there, that more than any other speaker manufacturer, really hate the Wilson line. I own Maxx 2's and also a pair of Watt Puppys. They are IMHO quite wonderful.

Why does Wilson get so much thrashing?


Showing 9 responses by jmcgrogan2

All products have their fans and detractors. I've heard folks bash ARC, Vandersteen, B&W, VAC, Krell, Mark Levinson, MIT, Nordost, VPI, etc., etc. The more popular the brand, the more fans and the more detractors.

Maybe, as a Wilson fan, you are just more susceptible to Wilson criticism.

From my point of view, Wilson speakers can sound alright with the right gear, but are far to pricey for the sound you get. I certainly do not hate them, but I have no desire to buy them, as I feel I can do as good, or better sonically for less $$$. As with all things in audio, YMMV.

If they make you happy though, that's all that should matter.
Why do you need the approval of others?
@melbguy1 , shhhhhh David, this is serious stuff!!
We are publicly psychoanalyzing Bo, and his obvious personality flaws.
We are right in the middle of deciding whether his overly zealous personality more closely resembles a religious zealot or a creationist zealot.

With no more interruptions, we should have this figured out in another few pages..... ;^)
jmcgrogan2, correction; deciding whether he resembles a Darwinist zealot or religious/creationist zealot.  :)

You caught me Douglas!
See, that's what happens when I post before I've had my coffee in the morning!!
Okay, you nailed down two brands (Monitor Audio and Rockport) of speakers that you feel do it right. Any others? What about sources, preamps, amps, cabling?


Dave, are you playing with bo?
Why do you even care what bo says? 
bo just likes to hear himself talk.

It has nothing to do with Monitor Audio or any brand. Tru-Fi is based on properties. There are more brands who own the right properties we need and want.

Tru-Fi is combining properties togheter. The brand or products are of minor importance than the sound we create. You all think in products and brands. We only think and focus on properties.

I will repeat it again: Most of my clients said: when I would have listened to Monitor Audio in audio shops I think I would not have bought it. But the way you create it, it is a sound without any competition. 

Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz........oh, I'm sorry, I must have dosed off there for a second.
Please bo, could you run that scintillating theory of Tru-Fi by me again???!!!

Very simple because your 1980 system and level in knowledge does not add anything overhere at this website.

If I were you please look for another hobby. Your 1980 set will never satisfy you.

@bo1972 , I WISH I could afford 1980 gear!!! That’d be terrific!!!

Who needs a audio system to satisfy them?
Bo, your comedy is all the entertainment anyone needs to feel satisfied!

You provide zero substance, but your material is hilarious! You really should look into writing a nice book on audio.......to be sold in to fiction section of course, with lots of 3-D pictures. Hahaha!

Keep enlightening all of us with your wealth of knowledge your Imperial Grand Wizard!!! ;^)
If a man is standing in the corner muttering to himself, do you engage him or walk away?

You talking about that fella with the Tara Labs thread?