Tube tester...anyone own their own?

Since a lot of us utilize tube based gear, I am wondering how many of us own a tube tester? I am considering acquiring one, not sure if I would look for a Hickok or another brand/type.
if you are considering a tube tester, or already own one, do tell us your recommendations and your experience with the particular type you own.


Showing 4 responses by mofimadness

I’ve had one for many years. I get it re-calibrated every so often. One of the best investments I’ve made. I have drawers full of tubes, so it comes in handy quite often...
Where do you get a tube tester recalibrated?

I've used Roger a couple of times.  He does great work.  Used to have a local guy, but he passed away awhile ago.
Doing a little research, the Amplitrex does seem to be the easiest to use and best on the market. I’m not sure what the price is..anyone??

I wanted to buy one a few years ago and the price was close to $3K! Way out of my budget. Not sure how much they are now?

I have a friend that bought one of these:

It will only test certain tubes, but I've used it a few times and it seems to be really accurate and easy to use.  Gotten pretty good reviews also...