
I just had an unsolicited offer to buy my CJ 350. He wanted to drive down from the East Coast and pay cash. No price was mentioned. The next day he ask and I told him $6500. I thought this was quite low but I am getting old and have moved into an apt. He was shocked and said that he had seen many for $4000 and one for $3800. Now I have been in audio since 1960 and have a good idea what things are worth. I did not believe this for a minute. Looking on the net I found only one and it was $8724. So if you don't know yourself check with the bluebook before you sell. I told him to buy one of the cheap ones he talked about. So beware of lowballs.


Showing 3 responses by tonykay

An item is only worth what someone will pay for it. Remember, this was an unsolicited offer! The seller has a right to ask whatever he wants for the CJ 350. If the buyer doesn’t see the value, for whatever reason, no one is going to force him to buy it. Arguing about the current market price doesn’t apply here.
Look, I don’t want to argue about this, but stanwal isn’t asking for help in determining what price to sell his CJ350. If you re-read his post, you’ll see that he is simply cautioning sellers not to accept an unsolicited lowball offer, especially if you are out of touch with the market price of the item you are selling. He wants $6500, and is not selling below that price regardless of the unsolicited buyer’s "shocked" response. He recommends using the bluebook, or some other means, to help you price your item. That’s all!

Thanks for the ridiculous comment. It's nice to know that you are here to, " others with our collective experience and wisdom," whether they ask for it or not. Re-read stanwal's post and learn something.