Rank Stereophile, & why no Von Schweikert reviews

Why is it that Stereophile has no Von Schweikert reviews in there archives? Did Albert piss them off? How would you rank Stereophile magazine against their competitors such as The Absolute Sound and others. Who is your favorite? Thanks

Showing 6 responses by robm321

They don't get advertising dollars from VS, but will push Wilson products like mad because they get money for advertising. That's why they lose credibility but are fun to read to hear all the liberal crying
Stereophile IS a joke. Don't get me wrong it's enjoyable to read. But clearly they review the same equipment that gets them the most money. They don't compare the best speakers or equipment out there if it's outside of their "box". And they will blacklist or give bad review to brands that don't contribute: Von Schweikert is one.

They have no credibility to me. But it's entertainment, maybe the audio version of the Enquirer. And you can clean up spilled coffee when your done with it. But don't let them spend your money because VS are some of the best speakers out there.

One mag that is actually useful is HiFi. They seem to be very objective no matter what they review.

That's how I feel. My dealer gets these people in there that buy all the recommded components for the year and think they have a great system because Stereophile says so.
They review the same manufacturers over and over. VS speakers have been reviewed by many other rags, and they have had stellar reviews. Don't you think that would get Stereophile's attention? There is clearly a hidden motive why they would ignore them all these years. It makes me wonder how many other brands they ignore that are better than their "good old boys" manufacturers’ equipment.

Maybe they feel that VS would give their favorite manufacturers some serious competition at a much lower price?!?

Credibility goes out the window, and so does Stereophile.

They are good at herding sheep, talking politics, and turning their nose up but that’s about it.

Disclaimer: That’s my opinion based on the facts that I’ve seen. I could be wrong and often am.
My dealer said that Stereophile has a VR4jr they are reviewing!! and he's not nuts - could this be true?

If it's true I guess the pressure is finally getting to them. And the fact that the absolute sound gave the jr's stunning review might make readers wonder where Stereophiles priorities are. Maybe the jig is up!?!?