Linear Power Supply?

Can someone tell me exactly what an LPS supposedly does to improve the operation of a turntable motor? Does it run more precisely at a given speed? Does it vibrate less? I have a SOTA Eclipse motor with Condor and Roadrunner. SOTA is coming out with an LPS option which they say is better than the SMPS wall wart, but I want to know exactly how it’s better. If less noise in my system is the benefit, then I believe I already have that addressed because I plug it into my PS Audio P20 power regenerator.


Showing 2 responses by dover

I don't think the NASA story or the friend story are very relevant to either the question of why some llisteners claim to prefer the tube power supply for a Bergmann turntable over the SS alternative 

If you cant understand the difference between how tube and solid state rectification behaves then you probably should not be modding your equipment. Their conversion and the way they release of energy into the circuit is completely different.


I am not knowledgeable enough to concoct an explanation for why a tube based motor controller might outperform a solid state one, for performing the function required in the Brinkmann system. 

You need look no further than the NASA Apollo space program.

They bought up most the the Marantz 9 tube power amplifiers when they were launched and used them for power controllers to provide fast power switching.

Similarly I had a friend who built massive mono blocks - 2kw transformers used for the input stages, 5kw transformers used for the output stages. He designed up a rectification circuit using 6550's because the off the shelf rectifiers were melting and could not switch fast enough.