Integrated Amp Advice - Rogue Sphinx or Peachtree nova150?

Looking for advice on an integrated amp to power a pair of Thiel PCSs (87 dB / 4 ohms). Done some research and narrowed it down to either a Rogue Audio Sphinx, which has really peaked my interest due to the positive online reviews, or a Peachtree Audio nova150, which also has good reviews and a store near me has a demo unit for $975 in that gorgeous ebony. I am going to see if I can demo these at home before I buy but any input would be appreciated.

Showing 2 responses by dougsat

Great price on the Peachtree. I personally would snag it for under a grand. Plus you can upgrade to a different amp down the road using the Nova 150 as the front end preamp / DAC combo. Excellent with room to upgrade worked for me.

" How is the DAC and phono stage in the nova? "

I'd say respectable / good sounding. Quiet without any background noise, Preamp has exceptional S/N ratio.
Overall a solid unit. 
It will drive the 4 ohm load / low sensitivity very nicely.