Gain Question

I may not understand what is going on with my vinyl setup.

The chain goes as follows -

Ortofon Per Windfeld Cart .3 mv output
Herron VTPH-2 phono stage 66 db of gain
Cary SLP05 preamp 10 db of gain.

Sound is great but in order to be at a moderate listening volume, the volume nob on the Cary pre must be almost maxxed out. How can I fix this?

Showing 8 responses by markus1299


I really hate to do this but what about using a step up. Any experince doing this? I see an Ear step up for sale here and I'm considering it. I just hate to introduce a whole nuther device with it's connecting cables ETC. What are your thoughts? Thanks for your response.
So an amp with more power would solve the problem? My 40.1 Harbeths are at 86 db efficencey so I can see that as a problem but really love the sound of these Brits. Power on the top end seems to be the answer.
Thanks Al for sorting this all out for me and, others that are much more knowledgeable than myself, for adding significant things to look at in my system. The vinyl sound is enjoyable at present but every once in a while there is that specific cut that you would just like to boost a little bit and I don't have that option. Was kinda lookin for an easy tweek but doesn't look like thats going to happen. Maybe a cart with higher output would help. I'll have to experiment, thats half the fun.
Thanks guys!
I just found an MM, Clearaudio Virtuoso Wood cartridge from a table I purchased that is long gone. I think I'll give it a spin to see how it compares. Should be interesting. I'm sure the gain will be there but sound quality???
You know, as a fairly new audiofile enthusiaist, I have learned a valuable lesson here. Do your homework well before purchasing components that you think will match up in a system

Unfortunately when I checked out the Clearaudio carefully, the stylus was bent so without a retip, don't think I can try this option. HOWEVER see my next post about another avenue I am considering
phono preamp uses 4 12AX7's and 1 12AT7. Are you saying I should try a 12AX7 in the 12AT7 spot?
I have just noticed that there is a Cary CAD200 for sale here on the Gon. It is a SS unit that puts out 200 watts and 27db of gain. Might be an interesting pairing with my SLP05. I'm interested in opinions from more knowledgeable people on this possible pairing