Correct Way to Connect an EQ in my Hifi System ?

My stereo integrated Marantz PM-11S1 amp has Pre Outs , XLR Balanced in/out,  4 different inputs & (2) tape recorder ins/outs there a way to get all my components hitting an EQ without having to switch RCAs? In the old days with my old receiver I used tape monitor , guessing the Pre outs into EQ but where do I input to EQ (2) turntables / Audioengine B1 streaming device...? Or at least the (2) turntables hitting the EQ without switching RCAs?

(scroll down for pic of back)

Marantz PM-11S1
Technics SL-15 TT
Audioengine B1

thanks !
Marantz " We don't have any tape decks here to check anything , you must test" 

Thanks Marantz! christ...! 
It's not supposed to be this difficult.
Hopefully you'll get a tech who really knows your amp.

I emailed them previously & they suggesting using the Pre Outs & put the component in the chain somehow ....doesnt work for me , whenever I use the turntable input into EQ , super noisy ...I emailed your question again about using Recorder in/out , thanks! 
Try emailing or calling customer service, they may put you in touch with a tech. Ask them how to use the Recorder input/output as a processing loop for an external EQ.

yes , just tried , same result ...I did see the level blinking on EQ , so its getting to unit , just no EQ 
Tommy, have you tried using your streamer following these instructions to add EQ?

I think you should turn the input selector to TT, and push "rec out" button on the PM11S1 front panel to use the EQ.
@imhififan, so whenever REC OUT is pressed, the EQ is the live source thru the amp, correct? It's functioning similar to the old Tape/Source design.

Tape Recorder 1 Out > In to EQ
Tape Recorder 1 In > Out of EQ
Turned Selector to Recorder 1 and turned on TT w LP - got nothing
I think you should turn the input selector to TT, and push "rec out" button on the PM11S1 front panel to use the EQ.
Yes, you need a phono stage first.
That’s what I said earlier.
Thanks @mrdecibel ,, bummer that it’s not like a processing loop.
I'll think about this some more.

Tommy, I have looked at the manual and read some blurbs on the Marantz. I would contact Marantz technical support. I do not think this has the typical " tape monitor " loop as yesteryear, this is why I suggest contacting them. A true tape monitor loop, as mentioned above, would give you the ability to monitor, and compare, the source being recorded, before and after, during the recording process ( a three head tape deck would have been necessary ). A tape monitor circuit ( button ) would need to override the source, enabling them to work, together, as opposed to instead of. To route the tt into the eq, you would require a separate phono section from tt before the eq. Hope it works out for you. Enjoy ! MrD.
Usually the tape deck has a switch called input selector or something similar. Also there should be a switch called monitor which selects TAPE or SOURCE. One you will only hear the tape, the other u only hear your sources and Tape is muted.

Can you link the user manual?
so you are saying when I turn my selector to tape recorder 1 (with EQ looped in that channel) It should EQ all components? As far as I know when I select Tape recorder 1 it just outputs that 1 channel & I should hear nothing ?? I don’t have a switch on front of Marantz that has that "tape monitor" switch like the old days w my old receivers...I do have a REC OUT button , that's it ...

here’s what I did :

Tape Recorder 1 Out > In to EQ
Tape Recorder 1 In > Out of EQ
Turned Selector to Recorder 1 and turned on TT w LP - got nothing

The only thing Im not getting is "input all sources on front of amp" what exactly are you talking about there? 

A tape deck has to have an input selected in order to record it, ie, recording from a record.
Instead of a tape deck you're using the EQ.

lowrider : 
so tape out to EQ , output of EQ back into tape in ....
plug all components into there assigned inputs in back of amp 
TT 1 into Phono 
TT2 into Line 1 
"To change sources to the EQ, input the sources into the Recorder on the front of the amp." 

Im not following that? input sources into the recorder on front of amp? 

Instead of swapping TT cables as needed, you could use a small phonostage and run it into a Line input on the Marantz.
Or use a passive switch box and hook up both TTs. Then run the output to the amp.

I see the Marantz has a preamp output and no input to the amp. You could use the Tape Out to the EQ, then back into Tape.
Plug all sources into the amp inputs, they would function as normal. When selecting Tape source you would have the EQ as your source. To change sources to the EQ, input the sources into the Recorder on the front of the amp.

Maybe try a Monoprice 4-port switch? Have all your sources feed into the switch. Then the switch output goes into the eq which then feeds your integrated.
also I have a Behringer Pre amp with one in/ out....seems kind of ridiculous adding a cheap little pre amp to get EQ though 
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