Clou Blue Jaspis for Senn HD 580/600 Headphones

Can anyone who has replaced stock Sennheiser cord with Blue Jaspis (or Red Jaspis) comment on what effect it has on sound. Is this a significant upgrade over stock cords?

I know they look very cool, do they sound as good as they look?

Showing 2 responses by megasam

Craig those sneaky guys at Headroom have them, but you have to go to Yahoo site to see them listed:

The salesman at Headroom says they really open sound up without sounding bright. They look really cool also, but wanted to get some independent member feedback on these
Well I will answer my own question, as I purchased the Blue Jaspis for my Senn HD580 several days ago. I can tell you this the BJ will never be coming off my Senns!

The cable is a full 3 meters long, the body is bright blue and the right/left branch cables are dark grey. The cable is about as thick/stiff as TV coax cable, some people may not like this but it doesn't bother me, cable is double sheilded. Treminated in high quality 1/4 gold connector.

As far as sound, the treble/midrange is slightly more open
and detailed, yet still silky smooth. I am using Creek OBH 11 and Grado RA-1 headphone amps. The biggest improvement is to bass response which is noticeably deeper and more forceful, makes overall sound more dynamic. A very worthwile
improvement for $90 from headroom, I would recommend this to all Senn HD 580/600 owners.

I am amazed how cheap the Senn HD 580/600 can be purchased now here and other internet sites. Perhaps Garfish can let us know his impressions of his Blue Jaspis.