Azimuth and the Fozgometer

Finally received the Fozgometer after a 2 month backorder. In the past I have always used a loupe and a front surface mirror to set the azimuth on my Tri-Planar with Dynavector XV-1S cartridge. According to the meter, I was very close to a correct azimuth. I wasn't prepared for the effects that a very slight adjustment would make. Nailing the azimuth has brought my soundstage into tight focus. I have never experienced this kind of solid imaging in my system.
I know that the $250 price tag is a bit steep for something that won't get a lot of use, but this is not a subtle improvement. There are other ways of measuring azimuth, that I am not very familiar with, but I would doubt that they are as easy to use as the Fozgometer.

Showing 3 responses by mauidj

Tbg. Many thanks for the insight. Yes...had I thought through the meaning then I would have spelt it correctly. How often we say things without being fully conscious of what we are saying.
I am also going to await the arrival of the Soundsmith Cartright. It does so many more things and apparently it has been designed to account for the inherent differences in cartridge geometry and output.
While things like the Fozgometer are spot on for some carts and completely misdirect you with others. Pretty much like most of our hobby.....your milage may vary!
Apparently the Cartright will be able to take these conditions into consideration.

I spoke with Peter recently and he is so buried building cartridges that the Cartright is on the back burner right now.
I await it with baited breath.
Lewm: Unlike the Foz the Cartright is based around a record and test signals. Plus I'm not sure I understand what size has to do with it ;-)
Yes Peter is a unique character in out hobby and deserving of respect. Let's wait and see what he comes up with. It should be revolutionary for sure knowing him.