are all amps equal

I have recently gotten the Mcintosh bug, but a friend of my who does a LOT or reading on the net says power output is the answer not the name. I am looking for the best sound I can get in the 3k$ range for my Usher Be 718s. I have looked at many used Mcintosh units in the 200 watt plus output area, but my friend says a new 250 watt Emotiva would be a better value. The Emotiva is around $800.
I would like some imput.. Thanks, Don

Showing 10 responses by keslerd

Without sounding like a play words, the little I have read on Icepower is that they may be a little "cold". I have a modified Chinese tube preamp, and an ARC hybird pre.. that I switch out on ocassion. I prefer the tube sound (due to my age) but prefer the ss amp. In my mind the quality of the amp should out weigh the output. I have been very close on ordering mono block Icepower, but have always backed away.
Then came the Mcintosh bug...
In my system are the Ushers, an Audio Research LS1 preamp (it is a hybird) or a Ming Da tube preamp modified by Response Audio (I swap the pre amps about once a month).The cd player is an Onkyo DX-7555. My present amp is ARC 150 watt ss.
While I am getting some help here, please take aim on the weakest link... Thanks..Don
Where should I spend my Money.
I will list my system again.

cd- player Onkyo DX-7555
amp- ARC 150.2
preamp- ARC LS1 (old)
all my cables are Phillips from Walmart.
speaker wire 12 gauage, 10ft. run, and bi-wired

I plan to spend between 3k & 4k$, where would you put the money. The Usher speakers are here to stay. Thanks for ANY suggestions..
Thanks Tvad, and everyone else, I plan to go the Mcintosh path with 250 watts of more... Thanks again...
04-01-09: Jax2

If you dampen the volume knob with gum, you have then opened up a NEW gate to Audio my friend.... Everything will be more liquid and real.

It will double your pleasure, and double your fun!

Thanks for the tip (my first record was a 78 rpm) I will pass the tip on to my friend... Thanks for everything.
well, this is all very interesting and food for thought, and not that it matters in this discussion, but I do have an
8 inch Velodyne (130 watts). I sometimes use it with the Ushers, even though it only goes down 40 hz,it does add to the fullness of the sound. My room is about 12 by 15 so the combination fills the room very well.... Thanks for all the info....
the room is 12 by 15, short cut carpeted floor, and two 2 by 2 foot sound panels in each corner (total of eight) all furniture is fabric... with a french door size opening on the rear wall into a larger room.

as far as extension, definition and etc the sub adds, most of the time I prefer the Ushers alone... the sub is not very "tight" as I prefer, that may be definition.
I don't understand everything I know...
Danmyers, I live ln a smoke, animal, children and
wife free environment, but my adult children worry there wont be anything left.
However Ajackson, my place is not Jack free, and I noitced as the evening progressed everybody begin to express themselves more freely.
Bob, I don't know what to say about the connects, I guess that is something to look at in the future, I just have problems paying $500 for 6ft. piece of wire. Thanks
Just to bring everyone up to date. I have placed an order for a McIntosh MC2250 from Audio Classics. After reading your response to "just wire" I have a shopping cart at Blue Jean for all my cables useing their "favorite" CABLES.

Still not clear on the speaker wire, their site said the bigger the better. I currently use 12 gauge with banannas, so I'm not clear on which direction to go on the speaker connections.
Thanks for all the help...
Well, after spending sometime on the order form I pushed the button to order those cables with the before mentioned company, I just be d.... PayPal poped up and didn't want my credit card... I did not ask for PayPal, will not do business with them, just want to put the order on my card. I called Jean explained the problem, they said they were about to close for the day. I don't have a lot patience, so I went over to Audio Advisor got some Black Mamba II, and spent even more. I no longer have just wire.