Anyone heard the new Moody Blues SACDs yet?

I ordered mine from the Elusive Disc but I don't expect they will arrive until next week. I'm pretty anxious to give these a listen. Anyone here had the chance to listen to these yet? What do you think? If you own the MoFi Cd's, how do they compare? Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

Showing 1 response by lazarus28

Trey - only ONE of them isn't in multichannel, the rest of them are!

i'll be doing a full review of them in the upcoming weeks. i'll be covering the music, 2-channel, and multichannel mixes of each. and i'll be starting with On the Treshold. . . .

if you have any interest, see my previous review here on the 'Gon for an idea of what format i'll be using. i want to have time to get to know them intimately 1st, and i plan on doing the Depeche Mode SACDs 1st.

but fret ye not, all but one have 5.1 mixes. (although the center is sparsely used)