
Responses from mezmo

The Emperor DAC has no Clothes
Very interesting, all. Rob, I've been following your experimentation with various DACs with interest, and, well, my interest remains. I suspect, in the end, however, that we're all more in agreement than otherwise. Marketing hyperbole aside, I sub... 
the meaning of the word "better"
Oh, If we're issuing generally, non-specific challenges to delineate subjective impressions with more specificity, I think we can do "better" than that . . . (wink, wink, nudge nudge). Though, it does bring to mind a friend that is seeking to move... 
Using my 2 channel system with a HT AV reciever.
It's perfectly fine. You may want to adjust the levels of the speakers if the wattage being fed to the different speakers is materially different (which you should easily be able to do through the AVR). But, in reality, you'll very likely want to ... 
Stillpoints Ultra SS vs spikes on concrete
Like the SS Ultras, have a set under my speakers, and they were a real improvement coming from spikes on a suspended wooden floor (with granite in between). That said, a good solid spike into concrete is a real solid (pun intended) solution. I'd b... 
What is the crossover point ?
Ah, grasshopper, I fear that the urge to torture ones self with this question -- to permit the natterings of the ignorant masses to cloud the purity of your noble purpose with doubt -- reflects only a self-defeating lapse in commitment on the path... 
Huh, harder to find than you might have thought. But this appears to be it. 
Flac files on an iPod?
Nope. Pretty sure that Mac don't do FLAC. Easy to convert to AAC, MP3, AIFF, ALAC -- all of which are Mac supported -- but FLAC is essentially the competitor format to apple lossless. So, naturally, it's verboten in the Apple ecosystem. 
Tom Waits Bad?
This may say more about me than SeƱor Waits, but "Picture in a Frame" (from Mule Variations) was the first dance at our wedding.... Definitely a fan. 
NEWBIE need help understanding Seperates V Receive
Without making specific recomendations -- and just to embellish whatnhas already been said -- you can think of things in terms of different "stages" or tasks that need to get done in the chain. Roughly in order, in order to get from your (we'll as... 
Why do some volume controls start at -80db or..?
What Elizabeth said. On volume controls that use plus/minus, 0 is zero gain. Which is to say, at zero grain, the input signal from the source is effectively untouched by the volume pot. Now, for your average digital source, zero gain is real hot a... 
Airport Extreme to DAC
Sounds like a swell start, but I would be wary about the imatch bits. Sounds, and I am sure is, quite convenient -- but it looks like it will feed you back less than CD quality of everything. To quote their materials, "Even better, all the music i... 
Airport Extreme to DAC
Regarding which mini, not sure that it really matters. I've seen folk that say the older ones (with the drive and Snow Leopard) can be better for audio, but don't recall why or really believe it. If I were starting from scratch, might also conside... 
Armoire between speakers
Personally, I would make peace with the realization that as long as you're constrained in speaker placement by the logistics of furniture and/or interior design, you will only be experiencing a small fraction of what they can really do. Sound stag... 
Album Of The Year 2011
Albert, also was really excited by Black Dub, having listened to a lot of their stuff on the internet (and following decades -- gulp -- of being a huge fan of Chris Whitley and Daniel Lanois, and more recently discovering Blade, they had me at the... 
Oyen digital for mac minis?
Using the 2tb "data tale" configured as a 1tb redundant RAID, and love it. Dead quite. Small. Damn sexy tech.