
Responses from jkaway

So you're an audiophile - are you also a musician?
I've played and sung Bluegrass for 35 years, 10 of those full-time professional in Georgia.I live in San Francisco now and front my own band ( our website : Darkhollow.home.attbi.com ) . Learning about the Audiophile hobby has made me amuch more c... 
Amazing Solo Piano Recordings
Get Stephen Hough's "English Piano Album" on Hyperion! Great playing recording and choice of selections. John K. 
Vandersteen question.
Both Philo1 and Bigtee are on the money about vandy room placement and setup. It took me a few months to get this right and realize just how good these speakers are. By the way spend the extra $ and get the 2ce Sig. they have the tweeter used in t... 
Best Male Singers of the 20th Century
waltersallas , you're entirely correct about George Jones ,one of the most devastating singers I've ever heard. For those who (rightly) love Johnny Hartmann, also try Arthur Prysock and Ernie Andrews 
Musical Fidelity A324 DAC as good as Tellig says?
I listened to this unit at my dealer's with similar electronics to what I'm using ( MF A300 integrated and A3 cdp). The sound was different but I don't thnk it was any more real or involving--- it took a studio piano sound and turned it into a kin... 
Listener magazine defunct ??
Hmmm, I got 2 issues for my subscription price.Where I grew up,people like this got found in the trunk of a car looking rather the worse for wear,but times change ,not always for the better. JK 
MMF7 + MF A300 + ML Aeon = Goosebumps?
I've got to agree-- my A300 is so far the most bang for the buck audio product I have bought yet. John K. 
Replacing jumper bars
I replaced the jumper bars on my Triangle Titus small monitors with Mapleshade custom 3 inch jumpers and for $20,wow! Quite a difference in sound. John K. 
40 watt tube integrated enough for vandy 2's?
With my Vandy 2ce Sig.s I'm using the MF A300 integrated which sounds great at moderate to high volume.However since this is an apt.,I needed a low volume solution which was Y-connectors out of the MF A3 cd player into a Antique sound lab MGSI 15D... 
Review: Vandersteen 3a Sig Speaker
I've owned Vandersteen 2ce Sig.s for about 6months now and am very pleased with them except for the aspect mentioned by others inthis thread-- that a fair amount of volume is needed before they really sound like much.My solution for now was to use... 
Bluegrass question: Describe what the difference
I've played Bluegrass in bands for 35 years and here is the breakdown : 1st generation is the original 8 "Name " bands--- Bill Monroe, Flatt and Scruggs,Stanley Bros., Jimmy Martin,Jim & Jesse,Country Gentlemen,Reno & Smiley and the Osborn... 
Antique Sound Lab: Problems with ASL reliability?
I bought rb99's MGSI15DT and I love it.Paired it with Triangle Titus and HarmTech melody line. Warmth plus accuracy and emotion.Upgraded with JJ/tesla KT88s from thetubestore.com My "B" system 's getting more hours than the big stuff (MF A300 with... 
What are the 5 most overrated rock albums?
Tweek , it made my evening to read your post on J.Mitchell (was that not very strange when she made that album with Charles Mingus?).Still think of her hideous rendition of Annie Ross's "Twisted" in thick accent--"I didn't listen to his jive,cause... 
Upsampling the way to go? ?
Yesterday(6/29).I listened to the MF DAC unit that Sam Tellig raved on about recently.It was hooked up to Mark Levinson & B&W gear. Upsampling was different but not all that great. warmth? no I'd say more like fuzz,like a badly recorded li... 
What's everybody listening to this evening?
Hey Rec , if you like Wayne Hancock , try Hank Williams III doing Wayne Hancock.....and Duckboy ,try Daniel Barenboim doing the Nocturnes.Right now listening to Ursala Oppens doing "American Piano" on the Music & Arts label.