
Responses from fluffers

Synergistic Red Fuse ...
guys- My amps take a 3.2 amp 250 volt slow blow- But they are the larger size fuse- Seems all the 250V are the smaller size- Can I use the 500 Volt fuse even though my current fuse is a 250 volt??- thanks- Do they make a larger size 250 volt-  
Who in the North New Jersey area. to set up and dial in turntable?
Update- Could not hook up with  Mike- So joshua at science of sight and sound is coming over tonight to dial in the table and also dial in the room- Has anyone used him for room calibration??- thanks 
What is the "sound" dif. between a Joule -Elctra OTL and a SET amp??
thks- No that is not the pair- I think I will call Rich- Since my time to listen is limited not sure if I want to have to bias every tube all the time- It would take me longer to set up then it would to listen it seems- 
Who in the North New Jersey area. to set up and dial in turntable?
No worries- glad you are enjoying the warm weather!!- I hooked up with mike and am having him come over- Will let you guys know when it is done- thanks as always for the advice!!! 
Who in the North New Jersey area. to set up and dial in turntable?
Has anyone dealt with xtreme fidelity in Riverdale Nj??? 
Who in the North New Jersey area. to set up and dial in turntable?
 Hi-How do I get a hold of Mike Trei- and does anyone know roughly he charges for a setup- thks 
What cart. for the Reed 3P?
guys thanks-sbank thanks - funny Doug is who I got the Reed from and just bought his Lyra Etna- Just need to have someone dial it in for me- Hope it is a killer combo- To all thanks for helping a newbee out!! 
Who in the North New Jersey area. to set up and dial in turntable?
guys thanks for the responses- Newbee question- I just bought a Reed 3P 12 inch arm with a Lyra Etna cart. that was prof. set up on the same turntable (firebird) that I have- I am picking it up tomorrow intact so I assume (or not) that if I just m... 
Newbee help- Volume low even at full preamp volume-???
UPDATE- it was the 6gh8 tubes- funny I just got them NOS MULLARDS- switched to some sylvania's and BAM there was the volume- thanks for all the help!! 
Newbee help- Volume low even at full preamp volume-???
Ok- after playing around I think it is the 6gh8 tube that is bad- any rec. on which 6gh8 tube is the best- thks 
Newbee help- Volume low even at full preamp volume-???
griffithds=sorry was not paying attention when i typed yes that is the way it is hooked up sorry about the typos- 
Newbee help- Volume low even at full preamp volume-???
Guys- You are the best- thanks- Yes I checked this morning- Preamp phono out into MC of Rogers Phono Pre-ground connected- Front panel turned to MC not MM-SO I Guess it must be the tubes- so which 12AX7 do you guys rec. me getting? 
Newbee help- Volume low even at full preamp volume-???
When I spoke to the guys at Charisma they rec. 61db for the cart?? 
Newbee help- Volume low even at full preamp volume-???
Thanks guys- I bought the Rogers used and the guy sent a mishmosh of sovtek tubes so I guess they are no good- I am going to order a new set of 12ax7- So the question is which one do you guys rec. I get- thanks again for all the help!!! 
Looking to upgrade Field coil generator- any thoughts
thks- question- at what level do you st the power supply- I forgot what the difference is when raising the levels-