
Responses from finsup

Speakers to consider around 5k used?
Jdoris gave you a pretty good road map to begin your journey. Since you are in the DC area, you really should contact Dennis Murphy who designs the Philharmonic speakers as suggested by Rsimms. Dennis is also the man behind the cross over design i... 
Zu Omen or Tekton Lore
Scutterflux (or anyone with hands-on experience with changing out crossovers, caps, resistors, etc.):I suppose it depends on the speaker, but specifically with the Tektons, how difficult is it to change out these components? If one doesn't like th... 
Which Primaluna amp ?
Skip the PrimaLuna and go for Mystere. Wescoman,Have you heard any of the PrimaLunas? Will you speak to the primary differences between them? 
Amplifier for Tekton speakers
Nicodemix,Not too many Heed owners around; glad you chimed in. I like the review that Johnny Darko did on them awhile back.I also hope to hear from CJ SS and Pass Labs owners. I spoke to Eric today, and dang if I forgot to ask him about SS amps. I... 
Good amp for Tekton lore s speakers?
Agreed: You must address the the glass room. Are window treatments an option? 
Amplifier for Tekton speakers
Zmanastronomy,That's too bad but, of course, it is just another example of how important the entire chain is, including the room. At the end of the day, what works for one might not work for another. Is your system current? I should read back thro... 
Zu Omen Defs vs Tekton Pendragons
"standard price is $3k with every option including deliveryWhich is around $200 it is under $4400"This makes no sense. Please explain.I think he meant: The standard price is $3K. Delivery is around $200. The Pendragon S with the different options ... 
Amplifier for Tekton speakers
Didn't Eric like the small Red Wine Audio battery amp?We did not talk about Red Wine although I mentioned to him I preferred tubes.You might be thinking of comments made by the Part-Time Audiophile in his reviews of both the Tekton Lore S and the ... 
Where do I start with a home theater system?
If you go 7.1 as Vicdamone advises, make sure your room can accommodate all the speakers, especially the back surrounds. 
Amplifier for Tekton speakers
Interesting no one using SS amp yet. Anyone found a SS they prefer over valves with their Tekton's?If you speak to Eric, you will find that he is partial to ss amps. I meant to ask him last time I spoke to him which solid state amps he preferred o... 
Amplifier for Tekton speakers
Mikirob,All-in-all I like the Cary V-12 with these speakers the most;So, begs the question - why?yet I like them all for different reasons.Different reasons -- in that each is better suited for a particular kind of musical genre? Or mood?WRT the C... 
Daber 2: better speaker in the world for $1k?
Dang small smartphone keypad: The last should read I don't care for your style. 
Daber 2: better speaker in the world for $1k?
Luvs2listen,It is just so classless for a manufacturer to come into a thread like this and trash another manufacturer's product.Vapor caught my eye a few years ago in its first abortive attempt to bring a speaker to market. I really liked what I w... 
Evolution Acoustics MMMicroOne
Gleeds, are you at liberty to speak to the question about a possible price increase? 
Help finding a Sub w/ quick punch down to 20hz
Check out Seaton Sound. The website, like so many ID manufacturers, leaves a lot to be desired. However, contact him directly and he will get you the information you need for your room and your budget. His subs are highly regarded by many.