
Responses from bookner

Sunfire Ultimate
I have one, and it probably isn't broken in yet. It replaced at $2,000 Luxman AV receiver that is also a nice unit which bests the Denon receivers in important performance areas. My reaction is very favorable. Very clean, dynamic power. Pre-proces... 
Krell Showcase vs. Anthem AV20
I'm aware of some one in my area who's ears I respect who spent time in his system (Wilson Maxx speakers!) with both the Krell and the Sunfire Theatre Grand III. I understand that he bought the Sunfire, and as you might expect, price was not an is... 
Home Theatre Recommendations
Luxman makes a nice HT receiver (remember Luxman?). Their stuff is hard to find in USA, but worth the quest. It tends to out perform the Denon receivers in cost and sound quality. 
Ortofon MC Question
I use an Ortofon MC 5000 with its matching step up transformer riding happily in an SME IV and Oracle Limited Edition Premier IV. I'm familiar with the MM cartridges you mentioned, and used to sell them. None of them compare to a reasonably good M... 
Reactions to HP's review of Antique Sound Lab amp?
There's an interesting consideration of the Hurricane at from a gentleman who is opinionated, but seems to make sense in his criticisms of reviewers and the industry in general. I found those comment... 
best dvd player under $1000 new or used
The Denon 5000 can be had new sometimes on ebay for $650. No progressive scan, and it won't play CD-R or CD-RW or MP3. Has HDCD. Make sure it is plugged and turned on for three days before you listen to it, otherwise it will sound harsh and thin. ... 
Merlin VMS versus VMPS RM-40 versus Proac 3.8
I disagree with ehider's conclusions.I've heard both the Merlin with BAM and the VMPS RM-40 on several occasions and at some length each. The Merlins were always driven by Joule Electra tubes, worth more than twice the cost of the speakers of abou... 
The best speaker you ever heard?
VMPS RM/X at 2003 CES late Saturday afternoon. 
Where R U?????
Sandy, Utah, 15 minutes from Snowbird and Alta (which has only 60% of normal snow fall this year). 50 degress today, and will be 50 tomorrow, but below freezing on the ski hill, even though it still lacks snow. Pray for snow. 
Our 2003 Las Vegas CES and T.H.E. Show Report
To my ears the VMPS room at the Alexis with passive by amping with Ampzilla2000 was at least an honorable mention, and would place somewhere as one of the top systems. Preamp not as clean this year as last year when they used the CTC Blowtorch. Tr... 
Upgrade LP 12 or...
Arthur Salvatore has some strong opinions about turntables and potentially some offensive words about Linn tables. Search for I've found much of what he says about tables, arms and cartridges to be accurate. 
2003 CES Show Report from Father & Son Audio
SoGood51: Finish on the VMPS RM/x to my hands and eyes was beautiful and very well made -- truly piano quality, yet the speakers are not the art that is Wilson or Avangarde (but to my ears, particularly with the triaural processer, they were thing... 
Is a Denon DVD-5000 worth buying ?
I've owned a 5000 for nearly 2 years. I bought it used on ebay, couple months old, from a pawn shop. I've had zero trouble with it and no complaints. Vidoe wise, it does not do progressive scan. It does do a fine job of video on my 40" Mitiz direc... 
Albertporter only needs 50
And if I'm not too late, I'll take 4 outlets. Thanks Albert. 
Sound quality of "Beatles 1" CD?
I agree with the above. The needle disk edition is better -- smoother, sweeter, nicer.