
Responses from asonicyouth

Tube amp suggestions for a Joule LA-200
If i were you i would buy a used sonic frontiers power 1 (55 watts/ch) and send it to chris johnson at for his SE+ mod. you will need to have someone around to pick up your jaw every time you take a listen. God's Truth! 
recommend entry-level high-efficiency loudspeakers
Used living voice auditorium (new price = 1500). they are amazing for the price 
Living Voice Avatar I vs. Avatar II
I prefer the second version. the main difference i believe is the crossover design and components. The changes allow for the use of ever lwer powered amplifiers (8w and above) where the first version worked much better with 15-20 or more watts. I ... 
Shielded silver interconnects
The chord signature cables are amazing, HIFI plus product of the year. they are sheilded and they have built in grounding clips (can be removed if unwanted) 
What is the quietest preamp you've used?
The Von Gaylord LAD-L2 
Best Monitors for Rock N' Roll under $2500
I would look at the reference 3a mm de capo I 
Anyone heard Horning Perikles Ultimate?
Jeff Catalano at high water sound has hornings set up to demo, he runs the with Kondo gear. it is on Water street in NYC. they sounded absolutely amazing to me, you should check the out. jeff is a great guy and very knowledegeable, highly reccomen... 
Simaudio Moon Eclipse vs. Wadia 861B
But what if you are funning it into single ended amps? 
Breaking into the industry
rar1 I have only waited this long for a job in the audio industry. I have two job offers in new york and if i cannot get into hifi i will take one of these positions. 
Breaking into the industry
So Gonglee, do you want to give me a job? 
Trying Analog Again - Sugg for $2K-$4K Budget?
I have a scout with a dynavector xx-2 cartridge and the dynavector p-75 phono amp. Im 22 and this is my first experience with vinyl. the table cost me 1175 new with warranty, the cart 1300 new (I splurged on it) and the P-75 was 500 new. The sound... 
"The Law of Diminishing Returns"???
As an economist i would say that first you would need do is to derive your personal production function. Where the thing being produced is good sound which can then be translated into utitity or personal happiness. this would be a weighted functio... 
Which components knocked you out on first listen?
the Von Gaylord LAD-L2 Preamp. I sold a BAT VK51 SE after hearing this pre and i think it can hold it's own with the VTL 
Outer Ring for VPI scout Without spending $$$$
Thanks, i appreciate all the input, I think i will just wait a year or two and drop the big $ on the HRX, FK It! 
Does vinyl outsell the hi rez formats?
I agree with Johnnantais!