Large brass devices on top of power amps ?

Browsing through photo gallery of several systems I have seen several amps where a large brass disc are placed on top of the amp.
I would really like to know what are the results adding these brass devices.
Krooney, since electronics cannot be overdamped, often designers leave the little tweaks like that to the end user, IOW, for the most part, they have no opinion about it, other than 'have fun and don't zap yourself' :)

Indeed, I like your response--good motto for this hobby--"Have fun and don't get zapped"!
I may use an 8oz. can of soda on my amp pics...the it will look like I have MONSTER AMPS!!

Hi Magfan

Boy my foot in my mouth tastes great. This is what I get for typing late @ night and not doing Preview First.

After re-reading my post as well as yours it came to me that the last line I wrote didn't convey what I thinking. I in no way shape or form meant to put down or demean audiophiles who are sensible enough to include an object in their pics to show a sense of scale. It is in no way something silly. In my mind when I was typing that last line in my posting above I was thinking of my friend who took a pic of the new capacitors in his Phase Linear amp and used a can of Jolt Cola as a reference. Another pic I was thinking of was where an Elemental Designs Dual 13Av.2 Sealed DIY Kit owner had a match box forklift toy next to his subs trying to lift it. My favorite one is where one owner had his 4 yr old son making faces while standing in between a pair of large Tannoy speakers he refurbished to show a sense of scale.

Again my bad and yes including objects to show a sense of scale is not a silly thing at all.

Regarding brass weights on amps. I still haven't done that. I just put 2 5 lb weights on my stock Oppo BDP-83. I don't think I hear an improvement or any kind of difference in the sound of my system but I do know th Oppo isn't vibrating as much anymore.