Is there any 50W 300B SET monoblock out there?

Why can't manufacturer build a more powerful 300B SET monoblock?
Jwm, thanks for the compliment but I'm not planning to make any commercially, for a few reasons. First, I have a demanding full-time job that I'd like to do for another 8 years or so. Second, the amps cost ~$12k just in parts, some of which are painstakingly hand made, such as the teflon tube mounts. Third, the plate voltage on the 833C is 2.3kV...I shudder to think of the potential liability lawsuits if a customer's dog, cat or child (or self) did something stupid.

That said, anyone near central NJ who is curious about the sound is welcome to visit for a demo. Just pm me to set up a listening session...but I won't build you one, that's up to you!
Oh my, that is some serious voltage. I would be so darn nervous testing that baby during build! You are the MAN!

I followed your long thread during the build and was and am fascinated by it. I would love to build my own tube amps with the thought and care you did, but with no more than 300-400 volts:)
Ait, it's really so impressive, and all for the love of the hobby and the sound. My hat is off to you!