D'Agostino vs. Ayre

To anyone who has heard the D'Agostino Momentum series amps and the latest Ayre MX-R Twenty, care to compare and contrast the sound?
Great review imgood.
I, too, dislike having to manhandle my power cords and interconnects. Though some of the blame should be directed at the cord and cable manufacturers. Why make something so unwieldy that it will not be able to used?
Considering the price differential, don't you think the Ayre a worthy competitor.
Absolutely. I'm a huge Ayre fan. I preferred the MX- R Twenties to Many other amps, both solid state and tubed. Just, in this case, and in this system, I prefer the D'Agostino S-250 to the Ayres. The differences aren't huge, but they are significant.
Great review Mr Tools. I was frankly surprised. I thought you'd prefer the precision and inciveness of the Ayre's vs the organicisity of the the D'ags. Especially on such randomly ported speakers like the  Alexias. With no disrespect but these speakers are compromised derivatives. The Alexxes and Yvettes are Wilson's forward thinking. And great speakers. The Alexia's are the bloated deathnell of the the  Watt/Puppy dynasty. Get some high powered tubes ASAP. 
The Alexia 2 will be out by the end of the month. It'll be interesting to hear what they're about.
Yes it will. Unfortunately for Wilson the Yvettes far surpass the Alexias in every category except loudness. 
One can only hope the Alexia 2 is a mini Alexx which is probanbly the best loudspeaker I've ever heard. 
My YG Sonias 1.2 notwithstanding.