D'Agostino vs. Ayre

To anyone who has heard the D'Agostino Momentum series amps and the latest Ayre MX-R Twenty, care to compare and contrast the sound?

Showing 7 responses by gdnrbob

I have Vandies hooked up to Atma MA-1 and MP-3 and couldn't be happier. Perhaps it is the Zero feedback? Johnny R at Audioconnection seems to think so...
Sorry for not responding, but I am in my busy season. I really am a gardener.
 I have don't have the CT Treo's, just the plain vanilla ones (from ctsooner). Moving from my DNA-1 with gold upgrades/RLD-1 to the Atma MA-1/MP-3 was like having a veil lifted. As I told Ralph, neither I nor my partner thought it could get any better, but it did- and quite significantly, and for the better in all manner. Like: Wow!
I suspect your D'ag amps will give you as much pleasure as the Atma's.
Maybe a little differently, but in a good way. 
My DNA-1 is at SMc Audio for an upgrade to monoblocks (I bought a second amp). Steve and Pat know what they are up against and are accepting the challenge-Tube vs. SS. I,too, hope to find out.
@khrys , how do you get emoticons? My reply box doesn't offer it.
Great review imgood.
I, too, dislike having to manhandle my power cords and interconnects. Though some of the blame should be directed at the cord and cable manufacturers. Why make something so unwieldy that it will not be able to used?
Considering the price differential, don't you think the Ayre a worthy competitor.
I finally found this thread again. Lots of great information- and presented in a friendly way.
This is how audiophiles can learn.
@OP  I think you really nailed the differences between the Ayre and D'Ag amps.
Pat at SMc makes a similar case for the Synergistic Black Fuse,too. As a 'budget minded' buyer, I hate to indulge in fuses, but hearing from such distinguished reviewers convinces me to give it a try. 
Well, you aren't the only one. That is how I got a pair of MX-R's.
I can't help but wonder if the OP had used a set of Zero Autoformers with the Atma amps, he might have not made a switch...
In any case, I am glad he enjoys the D'Agostino  amps. I wish I could afford them.
The Zero Autoformers would have compensated for the low impedance of the speakers. I know Ralph recommends them for older Maggie's which have the same characteristics.
Though my Vandy Treo's are fairly easy to drive, I bought a pair of Zero's to try. Steve McCormack says they do make a difference, too. So, I want to give it a try-just for fun. If a SS and Tube guy can agree on something, maybe it has some credence.

Mr. V. can be a bit brusque but his heart is in the right place and I value his intuition and knowledge.
Be that as it may, I will give the Zero's a try, and post my impressions.
This is the fun part of putting together stereo systems.
Well, at least for me.