Your Favorite Austin City Limits

Eric Taylor was on Austin City Limits last night and I was reminded how many great performances there were on that show week after week. For me, two shows really stand out: Stevie Ray Vaughn and the Allman Brothers. SRV played with so much feeling so effortlessly that it seemed like he was drawing inspiration and grace right out of the air -- if there is a muse, I experienced it's manifestation.

What about you? What are the great shows? Have you "discovered" new music you didn't hear before? Are you addicted?

Showing 2 responses by ozfly

Cp, I saw that one. You're right. It was quite good in a very unexpected way -- I had to change how I thought of him!
Pbb, you raise a good point. When I watch performances like these, the sound system itself becomes far less important -- I focus on the musicians themselves and their performances. The music flows with them. That can't be duplicated on our audio-only systems. Is that maybe the biggest reason for "upgrade fever"? Hmmm ...