Dear audiogon community,

It was recommended, in another post, that I try a difference IC cable. I was considering the audio quest columbia XLR. ( I am currently using xlr cable between by c2300 preamp and mc275 amp). However, I then read that xlr cables only provide a real benefit if you are using balanced cables throughout your entire system, which I presume means from my turntable into my preamp. Is this true? Because if it is, perhaps I should switch to RCA. That is, my tonearm cable ends with RCS cables. In fact, my pre-amp does not have xlr inputs for phono (though it has them for everything else).

I plead with you, the wise audition community, to lead me out of this mystery!

Showing 1 response by rja

My suggestion to OP is not very technical although I'm sure much of what has been said above is correct.

Borrow two sets of the same cable from The Cable Company, one XLR and one RCA. Listen to both and decide which sounds best to you.