Wilson Benesch ARC vs. other Scanspeak revelators

I am very interested in purchasing a pair of the WB ARCs but was unsure whether they were significantly better than other monitors that use the scanspeak revelator for a much more reasonable price (i.e. Tyler accoustics, reference 3A MM De Capo, and Focus audio). I do realize that the WBs use a slightly modified version of the revelator, and they do have a more advanced cabinet design, but do these factors significantly increase sound quality over the tylers, focus, and the like? I feel like the only monitor that compete with the WB ARC in the $5k range is the star sound (harmonic precision) caravelle. Does anyone have any other suggestions in this price range?

Showing 2 responses by drubin

The Tyler products seem to use the Seas Millenium Tweeter. Or is that the same as the Scanspeak Revelator?
I don't think the Ref 3a MM Decapo uses the Revelator. Don't see how it could at $2500.