Why organ music

I have a nice ss - CD set up that satisfies me most of the time, but am re-tasting LP's. The one kind if music that always sounds much better to me on LP, even with my very modest LP system is organ music. I used to play organ myself. But I also play piano and can relish well recorded piano on CD. To me, organ on CD is very hard to listen to. Anyone have idea why I notice such a difference with organ versus other instruments?

Showing 1 response by martykl

It's kind of strange to say - because I think I know what you mean and I agree with you to an extent -but I've found that organ music reveals the weakness in lp more than other genres. Sustained notes in the deep bass are the easiest way for me to hear the speed variabiliy in a turntable. Good 'tables are stable enough to sound mostly "spot on" speedwise to me...except on the deepest sustained organ tones. Anyone else notice this?
