Why my system has detail but no body & warm vocal?

My system:
B&W 602S3
Rotel RA-972 int amp
Rotel RCD-975
Kimber 4Tc speaker cord
Kimber hero interconnect

When I listen to Barbra Streisand or Lionel Richie's song, it has detail but no body. The vocal is thin and laid back.

What is my weak point? I am thinking about try Audio analogue Puccini or Arcam A75 amp, and try Arcam CD72 CD player. Is it a right direction to go?

Showing 1 response by philjolet

My friend and I both tried my Kimber 8TC speaker wire on our systems and we both like it a lot but think it is lacking bass and would be more suited to a warm system. I imagine the 4TC would be similar and would start there myself.

BTW the Hero has gotten some good reviews in the magazines and by fellow listeners, I would be hesitant to get rid of them without experimenting first.