Why my system has detail but no body & warm vocal?

My system:
B&W 602S3
Rotel RA-972 int amp
Rotel RCD-975
Kimber 4Tc speaker cord
Kimber hero interconnect

When I listen to Barbra Streisand or Lionel Richie's song, it has detail but no body. The vocal is thin and laid back.

What is my weak point? I am thinking about try Audio analogue Puccini or Arcam A75 amp, and try Arcam CD72 CD player. Is it a right direction to go?

Showing 2 responses by marakanetz

don't know about speakers, but replacing your amplifier might do just a right trick.

change it to Creek integrated or the best will be Bryston 3b-st paired with passive preamp such as McCormack TLC1.

You can also go with McCormack separates such as Micro Power Drive or higher powered DNA1.

Further, please remember that if you're not satisfied with the sound, examine amp and speakers first before you even think about changing ANYTHING else.

I too like the quotation "all designs should be stable" and I shall realy repeat it and emphisize it to all audiocomponents.

There is a plenty of effort already had been placed onto design of every audio component to be that stable AND independed.

As to the wires they can only be a "passive reactive elements" such as filter block or shunt on radio and video freequencies. Even if the wire is designed as a shield from such the component can still have a possibility to oscillate from RF and VF interfearance if not properly designed.

The bottom line is that if there is such degree of instability present than it should be infinitessimally small and applying wires that are designed to block RF and VF will change the sound by only small fraction of decibell.