Why do people care what their speaker wants?

Or amp. Or DAC, pre-amp, or whatever. Fill in the blank. Why does anyone care? Are speakers so haughty they get all moody and pouty if you don't give them what they want? I thought the whole point was to have a system that sounds the way we want it to sound? So why all the people asking what goes with what? What do they care? Why?

Showing 2 responses by asvjerry

Interesting, it takes an audiophile to equate speakers to having a sexual connotation....much like exotic vehicles, one doesn't buy a car.  You've purchased an audio mistress, who will want from you more than you can provide.

"What do you want from me?!"

(More than you can ever can attain, even more than you fear...)

Instruments in their way....voiced like a sailor on leave, or subtle and smooth with a sirens' sway....one forgets that it's just a mechanism, and begins to give it a character, much like a pet that recognizes your voice without understanding your words.

Does one listen to music for what it is, or listen for what one thinks/feels it ought to sound like?  Does one swap out the trophy wife or the Porsche for the new flame or Jaguar, or finally settle for the spouse that satisfies or the Lexus that doesn't drain ones' finances?

Each answers the question in their own way... ;)
*L*  ...and the segue into "Money Changes Everything"...

Did you buy that lotto tix?  A billion bucks certainly would.... ;)

Spouse and self would turn into the Ultimate Nomads and go see Everything....

I'd show up at your doorstep and ask to hear what you Think you've got....*evil laughter*