Why did you switch from Audio Research Ref 3?

The Audio Research Ref 3 has garnered rave reviews from the
audiophile press. Many of us have changed from a Ref 3 to other Preamps. Why have you decided to make a change? What Preamp replaced the Ref 3 in your system?
Was the new component a better choice?

Showing 2 responses by dev

C_pasa, I have heard so but it's all a secret for now. Just look at how long the REF3 has been out now so it obvious sooner or later there will be a MK2 version or a whole new pre.
Markwatkiss said;

"It's all about harmony and synergy with your components.What works well for me, may not for you."

Well put and I fully agree, I still have my ARC REF3 and I'm fully enjoying it.

Bvdiman, FM Acoustics; never had the chance yet to hear but look forward to doing so in the near future but when I see the list prices I'm just amazed and shake my head saying that's crazy how can this be worth that much, that pre-amp you make reference to how much $80-90 thousand US dollars list. Is it 100 times better than your old Ref3. I have had some ultra expensive pces in my system and some were okay and some terrible but to date I have found once you get to a curtain level the differences are slight and usually just a personal preference. I have MBL 101E speakers, do you have any recomendations pre and amp (mono block preference do to set-up config) that would work well with them, line only no phono with this set-up.