Why buy cheap speakers??

I look at some of the systems on this site they have only the best electronics and sub standard speakers? I was taught to spend 1/3 to 1/2 on speakers and the rest on the entire system. I see $500.00 speakers with $3000.00 transports or turntables. That is such a waist of money. Speakers are the most important part of a system or so I was taught. Am I wrong? Help me out here.Why put $300.00 cables on $300.00speakers makes no sence what so ever.

Showing 1 response by stevenbell

Thankyou so much to everyone. I am alittle more enlightened now. When I got my first speakers back in High school the "seventies" Large Advents with a Marantz 2240B receiver.Speakers were the end all.I got away from audio for twenty some thing years, "Marriage".I just started listening again and have purchased a small but nice system. So far the only component I want to change is the sub.Polk's cheapest and not at all musical,but for less than a hunderd dollars, I couldn't pass it up.If any of you can see some thing that would help my system out please feel free to let me know. I want to enjoy my system more than I do now. I love listening to songs I know and hearing some thing I never heard before. or a finger on a fret that wasn't there on my all in one system.Any way Thankyou again. Steve