Why buy cheap speakers??

I look at some of the systems on this site they have only the best electronics and sub standard speakers? I was taught to spend 1/3 to 1/2 on speakers and the rest on the entire system. I see $500.00 speakers with $3000.00 transports or turntables. That is such a waist of money. Speakers are the most important part of a system or so I was taught. Am I wrong? Help me out here.Why put $300.00 cables on $300.00speakers makes no sence what so ever.

Showing 1 response by paladin

Billy Joel thinks that you get more mileage from a cheap pair of speakers.
I totally disagree with him - I think speakers are the most important part of any system & that most of your budget should be allocated there.
No matter what source you use - the end result is heard through "your speakers"!
I'm from the old school (per digital) & was taught to spend about 40% - 50% of my total budget on speakers.
In today's world - it might be more difficult to make due with the same ratio even though most used speakers can be found @ 50% of retail.
I now use 2 CD players + 2 turntables with 3 arms.
Once you set the basic foundation - speakers, amp/s & pre, the rest will come together rather easy as long as you can afford the next source.
Digital is a much easier add on that analogue, so I would suggest that you start there next & then start your quest for the right turntable, arm & cartridge (if your into vinyl).