Why buy cheap speakers??

I look at some of the systems on this site they have only the best electronics and sub standard speakers? I was taught to spend 1/3 to 1/2 on speakers and the rest on the entire system. I see $500.00 speakers with $3000.00 transports or turntables. That is such a waist of money. Speakers are the most important part of a system or so I was taught. Am I wrong? Help me out here.Why put $300.00 cables on $300.00speakers makes no sence what so ever.

Showing 1 response by dcrugby

interesting viewpoints from everyone.

to me, the whole speaker vs. gear debate always seems to be the rorschach test for music listeners to see what aspects of music interest them most.

for my money, i'm in the adequate-electronics-with-excellent-speakers camp, as opposed to the adequate-speakers-with-excellent-electronics camp, but i see how others prefer differently. i guess i go for impressiveness over accuracy.

if audio were a singles bar, i'd be hitting on the drunk subwoofer twins...