Who else can't sleep the night before their fancy new gears arrive?

I have a BMC Ultradac arriving tomorrow and knowing me, I'll be awake all night. I'll be lucky if I get 3 hrs of sleep. 


Showing 2 responses by elliottbnewcombjr

Or the day(s) after!

My first 'system' from Sam Goody, 1967 with wedding money: TT, AR-2ax Speakers; Fisher 200T SS receiver.

Promised delivery, looking out the window, oh yeah, there's the truck! TT, Speakers, NO Receiver. 

Phones broken all the time in Brooklyn, walk down to Myrtle Ave, pay phone, promises, promises, finally receiver arrives a few days later.


3,508 posts


@elliottbnewcombjr .....wedding money? *L*

How that was rationalized is a tale to be told...;)


Got married 1967, age 19, had a kid at 20, not exactly a adult wedding decision

this was the 60's man, LPs cheap, new music all the time, and I worked/listened all night all the frigging time because I thought Pratt Institute had made a mistake admitting me. That school was as hard as you made it, and I made it HARD.

Alison Steele (nightbird); Cousin Brucie, 'Palisades Amusement Park; 'Nobody Walks, Money Talks at Denison Clothes' still bouncing around my brain.