What's Worth More on the Open Market - Your Records or Your Audio Gear

Have anyone of you actually calculated this ?

What's your personal ratio ?

I have not looked into this in any detail, and have if anything, only recently.....

Told family members (not my wife) 8^0..........something along the lines of ........." this piece of equipment is worth ......this (xxxx) ......." 

I have, told all family members that they could probably start an Ebay Record Selling Career; if their own career doesn't pan out.... with what is contained in the house. I don't think they are buying this idea ......right now.

This has me a little concerned.  

I assume the good records will only go up in value.  

Some gear I own, I believe is in this same state of fluctuating upward values.

Interested in your opinions, and findings on the subject.    Have you crossed this bridge yet ?  


Showing 2 responses by audiosaurusrex

@jab interesting comment. Obviously no appreciation of the music industry and its roots. Why are so many artists still releasing on vinyl then? You shouldn’t even be on this forum IMO.
I think it depends on a lot of factors. Album condition, what pressing, how popular is the music etc. I disagree with the fact that Lps will be worth nothing. I subconsciously sold off most of my cd collection but still held on to my vinyl. They are certainly making a resurgence even with the younger crowd. In terms of selling, I would look at Discogs where you can actually search out your records and see what the going rate is. I have kids that I turned on to vinyl and they appreciate the whole process and sound quality.