What preamp for Lamm M1.2 ?

I was thinkung about getting the ARC Ref 3, but I din't noticed that Lamms have an awfull lot of gain - 32dB. I was told that the Ref 3 will not work well with Lamms because of that.

I know that the logical step is to get the Lamm preamp but beeing as lazy as I am, I want something withe a remote (not to mention SINGLE volume knob).

Any thoughts ?

Showing 1 response by davidrio7661


I've just heard the M1.2 few weeks ago, with Kharma 3.2 speakers.
The CD was the Ayre D1 X - all cables from Kharma.

preamp used was : Ayre K1X - Lamm L2 Deluxe - a new Golmund full digital

With the Ayre, the image was smaller - all others things were OK

With the Lamm too much "valve sound" - not precise and not transparent

With the Golmund, it was wonderful : image larger and wider, very natural sound... the dealer explain me that most digital preamp (they are few) gives a larger and wider image tha,nn other technology - and they keep all the musicality of the amp.