What Integrated Amp do You use

        What integrated amp do you use, i picked up a Parasound Hint6 and totally fell in love. This thing is such a perfect all around performer, i was curious as to what other Integrated Amp people where using and why

Showing 2 responses by clarke10925

I’m using a Rogers High Fidelity EHF200 mk2 amp driving my Nola Metro Grand Gold2 speakers. 112 class A watts. Excellent match. May try a VAC Sigma 160, Nola shows with that amp and has won many awards
I’m using a Rogers High Fidelity EHF200 mk2 amp driving my Nola Metro Grand Gold2 speakers. 112 class A watts. Excellent match. May try a VAC Sigma 160, Nola shows with that amp and has won many awards