what causes the sss in words like 'thisss'?

I run apple lossless codec -> airport express -> recently purchased musical fidelity x-dac & tube buffer -> rotel 1056 receiver -> Quad 22L floorstanding speakers . I have also tried a cheap cd player source but no luck.

So what causes those annoying sss sounds in words? Source? Amp? interconnect? I'm considering returning the musical fidelity stuff and spring for a naim CD5 and nait 5i combo. Thoughts?
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Showing 1 response by eddaytona

This is digital sibilance. You probably hear it most strongly on female voices on CD recordings. I found the best way to get rid of this (I too hate it.) It is sooo anoying is to;
1) Buy a more expensive CD player/digital source with better anti-jitter, clock, and DACs and that is tubed, and;
2) Go to tubes from solid state gear, or;
3) Go back to vinyl (best option IMHO)