What can I expect from Klipsch RF-7 w/small tube?

I have an Onix SP-3 integrated amp that throws out only 38 watts. Currently, I am using Silverline Sonatina III, which are beautiful and I enjoy, however, I occasionally find myself wishing for more low end punch. I know that I could go to a SS integrated, but I just love the tubes. What do you guys think about the Klipsch RF-7 with my small tube integrated? Also noteworthy is the fact that I don't have spikes on the Sonatinas and they are on carpet. I doubt spikes would dramatically tighten up the bass, but I also know that it wouldn't hurt. Help me guys, thanks.

Showing 1 response by lak

Try the spikes first, they will make a big difference. You have very nice speakers, if you don't have the low end of bass you desire have you thought about adding a powered sub-woofer?