Warm CD player for older CDs with digital glare?

If this was my main criteria for a CD player, possibly because I have a 2nd more highly resolved player for better recordings, what would you recommend?
When an upper midrange (or sometimes mid-midrange) note is strong on some redbook discs, it can go "over the top" and sound like glare, and I don't like that at all.

I have read that the Meridian 808.3 (or .2) is a warm player and that its aprodising filter (sp?) helps with "pre-ringing"
(is that what I'm hearing on vocals that soar into painful territory on redbook discs since the dawn of digital?)
So is the Meridian a candidate?

Someone mentioned Alex's big NWO player to me, or
the Ayon 5.

Thanks in advance.

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